Sunday, September 22, 2024

Why Not Today?

Today, If You Hear His Voice – The Fight of Faith


Have you considered this

That today could be your last?

Where will you spend eternity

When this life is passed?


Will it be with the Saviour

Who died to make you whole

Or will it be with the devil

Who wants to damn your soul?


What is there to hold you back

From making the decision now

To give your life to Jesus

And in penitence to him bow?


Now is the acceptable time,

Of the future there is no guarantee

And even if there is tomorrow

You might not be around to see.


Permit me to be a little morbid

And press the point right home,

Many have an appointment with death

Today may be your own.


Then again it might not be

But you and I do not know,

It is better to be safe than sorry

I feel the urge to tell you so.


Today, If You Hear His Voice – The Fight of Faith 


Today if you will hear His voice

Harden not your heart,

Give Christ access to your soul

Before from this life you part.


The initiation is very simple

But certainly not the life,

Spiritual backbone is essential

For the devil will unleash his strife.


It is a deceptive fallacy

That Christianity is for sissies,

My brother and sister I assure you

It’s beyond your abilities.


But in God all things are possible

Even a successful Christian life,

Once you give to him your hand

He’ll take you through the strife.


The fact of the matter is

In this life there will be trouble,

It doesn’t matter whose you are

It comes to all earth’s people.


The plus on the believer’s side

Is that the Holy Spirit dwells within,

He will nurture that believer

And guide him through thick or thin.


Today, If You Hear His Voice – The Fight of Faith 


You can obtain this assurance

If you do not have it yet,

Just confess your sins to Jesus

The sin price he has already met.


Confess he’s the only Saviour

And thus, he’s the only way,

His arms are open to welcome you

Just accept him today.


If there were only one sinner

Jesus would still have come

To bring God’s wonderful salvation

To that one undeserving son.


There’s joy up in heaven

Over one sinner that repents,

Today you could be that sinner

Accept the Son that was sent.


 Stewart Russell © February 2018


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