Monday, September 23, 2024

Edify One Another

1 Thessalonians 5:11 ~ Daily Devotional August 26 2022 - Daily Devotional


Go to 1st Thessalonians 5:11

And there you will see,

That edifying one another

Is how it should be.


It’s the purpose of church

As expressed in God’s Word,

I would imagine at least by now

Most Christians have heard.


Edify one another,

Don’t pull each other down

For it is true what goes around

Will come around.


None of us is so special

That hurt won’t come home,

We live in a world with others

And not alone.


To those in the church

We must edify one another,

Watch our actions very carefully

And guard our chatter.


Galatians 6:1–2 (ESV) “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression,  you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep  watch. - ppt video online download


If a brother falls

Our purpose is to restore

And if a sister transgresses

Don’t show her the door.


Forgiveness is the key

To resolving any conflict

And agape love must be shown

As a daily habit.


Bear another’s burden;

Do not add to the weight

As this will make things worse

Regarding his state.


In love let us discuss

Not quarrel and fret

And remember that it is God

That forgives our debt.


Be it a brother or sister,

It matters not who,

Showing partiality to no one

Should be our view.


For we are one in Christ

And should follow his lead,

So, should any sister be in peril,

Get to her with speed. 



Be a clear example

For the community to see

The love of Christ shining through

In all its beauty.


Edifying one another

Is not voluntary,

It is a God-given imperative

And therefore mandatory.


It’s the believer’s stamp

So that all may know

That we are Christ’s disciples

 When his love we show.


Stewart Russell © September 21, 2024


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