Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Leave Nothing for After


Abraham Lincoln Leave nothing For Poster Print Picture or Framed Wall Art |  eBay


The older I get

The more I become intrigued,

By expressions like the title,

I’m intrigue indeed!


Leave nothing for after

While there is time,

Do what you have to do

Comes to my mind.


The norm is to procrastinate

With I can do it after,

There is no need to rush it

There is always later.


Do not leave back anything

Is another way to say it,

Eat it all at one time,

Leave not a bit.


It may have been work

Or it may have been food

Leave nothing for after means

Get on the move.


In the preceding explanation

Nothing is something

But now we come to a case

Where nothing is nothing.


Not as mad as you are,

You see I can hear you think,

I am nowhere near the edge

But you’re over the brink.


Back to the issue, though,

Let us forget this aside,

Next time your thoughts interrupt

I will let it ride.


John Lennon Quote: “Nothing is real.”


Leave nothing for after

Simply means leave nothing,

Nothing is what you leave

Just leave nothing.


Leave nothing for me

Means positively nothing,

It is like, “What do you want?”

And my reply is, “Nothing.”


So, nothing can be nothing

Or nothing can be something,

And it can get so ridiculous

It could be anything.


Leave nothing for after

Or, do not leave anything,

You see, nothing can be nothing

Or it can be something.


If you must leave something

Let it be nothing,

I mean positively nothing

Not negatively anything.


I hear your thoughts again!

“He has nothing to do.”

But this nothing is something

And you are reading it too.


It’s nothing you are reading

That makes it something,

However, if you are not reading it

Then I’ve achieved nothing.

Abraham Lincoln quote: Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day.  

Leave nothing for after

And you’ll leave nothing to chance,

Leave nothing for after

And you’d likely advance.


Stewart Russell © October 15, 2021


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