Systemic Symptomatic Problematic

The Problem With 'Problematic' - The Atlantic


Three intriguing words

Pertaining to us,

Three mind-boggling words

Causing great fuss.


Integrally related

But frequently messed up

Three nerve-wracking words

In a bitter cup.


It is notably systemic

To treat to the symptomatic

Whereby the systemic

Becomes problematic.


It isn't always wrong to be wrong | The value of correction and learning to  improve.


Take for example, if you will,

The chastening of a child

Without ever trying to find out

Why he behaves defiled.


Children are easily led;

We know this quite well

And they adopt the lewd behaviour

That the adults sell.


Crop-over for example

And our “wuk-up” culture

Shown on our television stations

Leaving a vivid picture.


Indelible on their minds

As being desirable

But yet when they display it

It is detestable.


The skimpy costumes

Where allegedly we pay more for less

And the children see all this

That we regard as the best.


We promote the negative

With a “don’t you dare touch!

Noting that this is only for the adults”

But they don’t see it as such. 


Then we treat the symptoms

That we have caused

Hoping beyond wildest expectations

To put the problem on pause.


“Too many guns in this place”

Remember the calypso?

But that was a long time ago

Now, daily they grow.




And we state the obvious

But then deny the same

With a “there’s no cause for alarm”

When it’s causing us pain.


Nearly thirty for the year

While for last year twenty-three

Raising the call for spiritual reflection

By the political authority.


And I ask myself,

What do we hope to gain

When we avoid touching the areas

That are causing the pain.


Who bring in the guns?

For sure not the shooters

Though the constabulary often called

For willing whistle-blowers.


A whole lot of ideas

Swirling around out there

But regarding touching the untouchables,

No one dares.


Belling the Cat –


The cat is well known

But who will attach the bell?

Not one man, sorry, mouse bold enough

This problem to quell.


Drugs are alive and well

As evidenced in our courts

But given the villains we see paraded

We have to be making sport.


Where the untouchables?

Not one you will see

Just the symptoms of the system

That we view evilly.


The children and the youth

Are the scourge of our land

Meanwhile, the real culprits continue

With their evil plan.


Yes, the problem flourishes

As we treat to the symptoms

And there is stark systemic failure

And public delirium.


Commendation was given

To the leadership of a school

For their proactive response to an incident

What a peculiar tool!


This baffled me a while

But it is what we do;

It is clearly the cart before the horse

Which is our current view.


The Importance of Being Proactive in Business: Anticipating Challenges and  Planning for Success


Proactive meant before;

Now it can come after,

Maybe it is technological advancement

To encourage laughter.


Too tragic to be comic!

It’s no laughing matter

Given we are an ageing population

And our youth seek the hereafter.


They are dying daily;

Some even in their teens,

Breaking News frequently greet us

With another murder scene.


Meanwhile we need to do this

And we need to do that

But we cannot touch a “big wun”

And this is a fact.



A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME print art print art at |


A little birdie tells me

That they are not unknown

And that they move in places

That we also roam.


Anonymous is not nameless

As some may think

And the most impervious armour

Has a little chink.


“If you know something

Say something,” says the ad

But it is only applicable to some

And this is sad.


I read quite recently

In one of our tabloids

Something attributed to the Top cop

That makes me paranoid.


Legitimate ports of entry

Being used for illegitimacy

And officials turning a blind eye

So they wouldn’t see.


Would you turn a blind eye?


But there has to be more

To this ancient ploy

And I would not even be surprised

Who are collecting the spoils.


If the Top cop’s words

Are anything to go by,

Much is happening around us

And it’s being done on the sly.


The problem is solvable

But who will “bell the cat”?

When men are mice and retreat to holes

It’s time for a man-sized trap.


Systemic Symptomatic Problematic

It’s time we get it right,

A system in which symptoms are treated only,

Problems will be its plight.


Stewart Russell © July 17, 2024



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