Where in the world can that madness be?
When left is right, come and show it to me.
Left is always left and right is ever right,
To think differently no, you can’t be bright.
Where I come from that is never ever so,
Left is left, right is right that’s all we know.
But where in this world you come by that?
That left could be right no, that’s not a fact.
No doubt you come from America I can see,
Or from Canada wherever that may be.
But here in Bim you must heed what we say,
Or else you may not live to see another day.
What are you talking about I am amazed,
That left could be right leaves me in a daze.
I guess you are going through a loony phase
Or may be here in Bim it’s just a silly craze.
I note you are a tourist to this isle of mine,
We depend on tourism to visitors we are kind.
Enjoy the many sights as you drive along,
Keep on the right and you’re sure to be wrong.
You tell me, left is right is more than a song,
Then keep on the right and I’m sure to be wrong.
What else should I know about this crazed little isle?
Tell me quickly help me understand your style.
It’s not really difficult to understand our way
Just listen intently to what I have to say.
Simply listen intently I am forced to repeat,
Or for our morticians be a case of dead meat!
Where you come from right is right that’s true,
That’s how you drive to avoid the ambulance crew.
I do not argue with that when to your country I go,
To protect my life it’s an essential I should know.
There’s no difference here if your visit you will enjoy,
We have traffic laws too that you must surely employ.
You may mock and scorn that our left is right,
But please heed this traffic law and avoid an awful sight!
So for you left is always left and right is ever right,
To maintain that for your road users is a constant fight.
Similarly ours is a clear cut case when left is right,
So we trust when you drive here you view it in this light!
Russell © 2012
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