Death Is Treatable

Dead first': Why American men are men more likely than Canadians,  Australians and Brits to die prematurely - Genetic Literacy Project


Death, I assure you,

Is a treatable condition,

Like the bug-bearer, cancer,

It goes into remission.


It is not a disease

As some want to believe

But rather, a state of not being,

Oh, I feel so relieved.


It is not infectious

Like a laugh or a smile

So that you cannot catch it

But it lasts for a while.


It is treatable

Yes, a cure has been found!

So, please don’t be in a hurry

To go underground.


If someone has died

That you know quite well,

Let them stay above ground

At least for a spell.


Could death be treatable a potential breakthrough as scientists revive  cells and organs in dead pigs - YouTube


We are on the cusp

Of something really great,

Technology can treat to death

It need not be a date.


The moment one dies

Quickly swap out his brain,

Give him a heart transplant

And change all his veins.


Give him a blood transfusion

And reinstall his mind,

Then run him on solar power

For an appropriate time.


Closely monitor him

For a day or two

Just to make sure he is himself

And not me or you.


Now you know as I do

That death is treatable

And all one needs to do is die

To prove it is possible.


Any candidates out there?

I won’t be the first!

Death is a one-time happening

And cannot be rehearsed.


It is treatable, though,

Try it out for yourself,

You would be a good candidate

If you have poor health.


You must die first

If you expect this to work

And it is a painless procedure,

It does not hurt.


One thing more

That I almost forgot,

You must not lose consciousness…

At least, not the whole lot.


Life after death? Scientists revive cells, organs in dead pigs | THE DAILY  TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN


If you are conscious

This procedure is possible

And I guarantee you at the end,

It will be successful.


Yes, death is treatable

Like any normal disease,

Trust me on this one, my friend,

And don’t be a tease.


“Why not me?” you asked,

Is this what I heard?

If I am hearing you correctly

You’ve got to be absurd.


I can’t try it for you,

That wouldn’t make sense,

I mean, your death is treatable,

Please, no offense.


Stewart Russell © October 10, 2023


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