God's Sovereignty Man's Free Will


Is God Sovereign over My Free Will? // Ask Pastor John - YouTube

How do the two work?
I have heard people ask
And to them, even for God.
This is an impossible task.

One must displace the other
At some time or another,
That is the only way
They can ever work together.

It won’t take rocket science
To see what I see
So, in my simple understanding
Here is what must be.

First it must be an absolute
That God is Sovereign,
After all, He is the Lord of lords
And the King of kings.
God is the only sovereignty
That has not been given,
All other so-called sovereignties-
For such, men have striven.

At the level of civil society
That is how sovereignty works,
The stronger takes the weaker
You don’t have to be an expert.

The stronger and the weaker:
These are two human groups,
They have repeatedly changed
In a consistent loop.

Like the World Powers
Of which we read in our history,
Each reign will last
Until the other succeeds.

None can conquer the World
Of this history is replete,
But man will try and try again
Thus, his failure he will repeat.

Man’s reign is always limited
Limited to time and space,
Contrary to this God is not
After all, He created the human race.
Sermon: A Sovereign God and Men with Free-Will –  
God gave man his free will
He gave him the ability to choose,
It is a facility that is given for a time
Which at death he will lose.

Lucifer, God also created
And to him He also gave free will,
But Satan forgot it was what he received
And failed in his overthrow bid.

God is omnipotent and omniscient
Creator and Ruler of all,
He is self-existent, the only I AM
And to do what He pleases is His call.

He is sovereign and man is not
Free will is a gift from Him,
Man is finite and God is not
But such a quest brought about the first sin.

Free Will Vs the Will of God. | HubPages

That the two can work together
We may not fully understand
But nothing is impossible with God
And this is His divine plan.

I see it in the light of salvation,
God has given man a choice,
It’s just like in the garden of Eden
When man disobeyed God’s voice.

But God in His eternal wisdom
Worked around this catastrophe,
Hence, the coming of His beloved Son
To die for you and me.

Our free will remain intact,
We can say yes or no to God
But that free will is not unlimited,
If you doubt me, ask the Fraud.

Lucifer was the first, you’d recall
To truly understand this
And any that dares to join him
Is taking an eternal risk.
Sermon, "Saying Yes to God: Yes and No," Matthew 21:28-32
When we say yes to God
We are accepting His sovereignty
To order the affairs of our life
For all eternity.

In our ignorance and stupidity
Sometimes we may want to turn back
But having said yes to God,
He keeps each child on track.

This is not a violation
Of the free will He gave to us
But a commitment that God has made
On account of His Son Jesus.

Our free will need not oppose God
Even though sometimes it will
But that “yes” we have said to Him
Keeps us under his covering still.

God will do what is best by us
For His glory and our good
And His indwelling faithful Spirit
Will prompt us to do as we should.

He will not bully or bulldoze us
To do what we should do
But like a loving shepherd with silly sheep,
He will care for me and for you.

There are two theological camps
That claw at each other daily,
One holds the side of man’s free will
The other on God’s sovereignty.

What is your opinion on Calvinism vs. Arminianism? Which one do ...

Neither the twain can see
How the two can work together
But standing behind two deceased men
They refused to come together.

Perhaps like the blind man of old
They are not seeing much
And maybe, like that blind man of old
They need a second touch.

Both camps need to remember
It is Christ that died for man,
He did this by way of his own free will
Yet, in accordance with God’s plan.

So, the two can work together
As a matter of fact, they always do,
They combined to process salvation
Both for me and for you.

Man’s free will is limited
And though he has that facility now
There is a time that is yet to come
When all men will be forced to bow.

Subject your free will to God,
Do so willingly,
Do not wait until that time comes
When you will compulsorily.

Then, it will be to no avail
Redemption’s amnesty would have passed,
Therefore, while it is called today
Salvation’s offer you must grasp.

Exchanging our desires for God's – Brave, Blessed, and Beautiful

There is absolutely no violation
When we exchange our will for God’s,
The real bully is the devil
Don’t be taken in by this Fraud.

God’s sovereignty, man’s free will-
One is as evident as the other
And given the benefits salvation brings
Why should either be a bother?

God always keeps His word
And that is the key,
At the same time this cannot be said
For you and for me.

Stewart Russell © May 2020

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