Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Everything and Nothing


Everything and Nothing: The Science of Empty Space 4k - MagellanTV 

Everything is nothing

When nothing is everything,

Sounds kind of nonsensical

But to it I cling.


I’ve seen it put differently

But I like it this way

Ever since I had an encounter

With Jesus one day.


Everything is nothing

If you haven’t Jesus on board

And nothing is everything

If he’s taken your load.


Oft what we strive for

Brings bitterness and strife

And the nothingness and emptiness

Just cripples our life.

I was the king of everything, and it all amounted to nothing. - MagicalQuote

Our everything is nothing

When our nothing is everything

And our pretentious smile

Is really a grin.


It is clutching at a straw

Like the one we call wealth:

The everything we accumulated

At the expense of health.


Health became nothing

As wealth became everything

And now we have everything

We really have nothing.


Jesus is everything

Though you may have nothing,

When everything eludes you

You can still sing.

Everything and Nothing: The Science of Empty Space 4k - MagellanTV

He is my light and salvation

Of him I will sing,

I may have nothing in this world

But I have everything.


Everything is nothing

When nothing is everything,

I am sure now you can see

Why to this I cling,


Stewart Russell © September 16, 2021



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