Thursday, September 19, 2024

Music Speaks


Canon Burrows Church of England Primary School: Music 

Do the animals make music

Other than by instinct?

Do they create musical instruments

And think like humans think?


Do they play those instruments

To entertain you or me?

Or do they simply make sounds

Like it always used to be?


Music Notes Pic Transparent Clipart , Png Download - Colorful Transparent  Background Music Notes, Png Download - kindpng


Do they write musical scores

Using staffs and notes

And add key and time signatures

To determine how that music floats?


Do they assemble orchestras

And pull together bands

And make sweet melodies

That are heard throughout the land?


Do they sing four-part melodies

Both high and low

So that when they are finished

People still want more?


Do they choreograph that music

In ways you can’t imagine?

Tell me my evolutionistic friends,

Does any nightingale or pigeon?


Conduct an Orchestra and Improve your Management Style – Muhamad Yusri


Do animals conduct orchestras

Or direct a band?

Do they sing in choirs and chorales

And stick to the plan?


Do they sing soprano and alto

Or tenor and bass?

If you could train them forever

Would there be a hint or a trace?  


Do animals do any of these?

Enlighten me please,

Speak up my evolutionistic friends

Now’s not the time to freeze.

The History of Music - Music Timeline for Kids | Mocomi

Tell me the origin of music

Did it start with that big bang,

Where out of nowhere with nothing

There was a horrendous clang?


Music before its Creator

O what a laugh!

That’s like math without numbers

That would be quite daft.


Would it not be prudent

Given the order there is in music

To come down on the side

That someone at least originated it?


And who would be that someone

If he were not supreme

And around forever

Always “Has Been”?


Music points to a creator

Just like everything that is

And that Creator knows the answers

To every conceivable quiz.


Music Points to a Creator - Reasons to Believe


Music points its finger

Back to its creator,

Before Chopin and Beethoven

God is its originator.


If music could speak like you or me

It would tell you this is a fact,

Only that you would be so taken in

You wouldn’t be able to answer back.


But music does speak

In both bold and plaintive tones,

It speaks to them that rejoice

And to them that mourn.


Its genres are varied

With its rhythms and beats

And when you come to appreciate it

It’s of the Creator it speaks.


It makes a profound statement

That Yahweh exists,

That He is the supreme intelligence;

It’s another on the list.


A list that extends

To the very beginning

When the Supreme Intelligence

Created everything.


Stewart Russell © May 2020



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