Monday, September 16, 2024

One with Eternity


PQ VC Psalm 90:2 (Pack of 10) 

God is one with eternity

Neither came before the other

Neither had a beginning

So no need to bother.


God is the eternal being

So are the Spirit and the Word,

None of the three was created

And that is not absurd.


In the beginning was the Word

And the Word was God,

So was the Holy Spirit:

The Trinity they are called.


Co-essential and co-eternal

Are attributes of all three,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The Blessed Trinity.


It is not easy to grasp

But the concept is strongly implied,

The Trinity is Bible based

And cannot be denied.


The Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Constitute the Eternal One,

These three coexist in eternity

Unlike the gods all gone.

PQ VC Psalm 90:2 (Pack of 10)

Who made God

Is the question that many pose

Thinking God must have had a beginning

As their argument goes.


Then He would be less than God

That we see in the Holy Word

And just like idol worshippers

We too would be absurd.


To create an idol and worship it

Is nonsense to the height,

It’s like the blind leading someone

Who still possesses his sight.


However, God is the Eternal One

Thus, one with eternity,

He is one but yet three

As expressed in the Trinity.


I confess my limitations

And so, I cannot explain,

But if I could, I would be God

And only One can make that claim.


That’s God and God alone

Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh,


As Moses was told to say.

PQ VC Psalm 90:2 (Pack of 10)

The Eternal One

And one with eternity,

Creating time and space and matter

The universal Sovereignty.


Not constrained by time

Or contained by the depth of space,

Not defined by earthly matter

Or by the human race.


In His image created He them

But He Himself was not created,

The Eternal One is He

Just as the Bible stated.


Three-in-One I must repeat

It needs to be emphasized,

The Lord God Jehovah is one God

And there is none besides.


One with Eternity


Stewart Russell © November 27, 2021


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