Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Lament and A Request


IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW…. If I could sit you down and give you… | by  Ubaydah Abdulwasiu | Medium 


If I knew then what I know now

I would not have done what I did then,

Hindsight is twenty-twenty vision

Hence, now I see the problem.


I had it all, well quite a lot

But I thought there was more to be had,

So I hatched a scheme and planned it well

But the whole thing turned out bad.


I underestimated the one at the top

I did not know what I was thinking

For all along he was aware of my scheme

And next the entire thing was sinking.


It was no use weeping over spilt milk

I just waited for another opportunity,

And came it did in another place

And I grabbed that chance with glee.


It was like taking cake from a child

And indeed they were more like children,

I pull that one off with great success

This time I created the problem.


I got revenge but was still dissatisfied

Even though I had created a mess,

So I waited patiently for another chance

And that one was the test of tests.

But again I failed and miserably so

Even though I had held some odds,

I had to be a slow learner, I now can see

That I took on a failure’s job.


Many a man thinks I am smart

And throw in their lot with me,

But they are wasting their time just like I did

And will share in my destiny.


I won’t go empty handed and that’s a fact

I did not in my first attempt,

And now my goal is to add to my lot

To those that with me are hell bent.


Defeated by the Father and then the Son

And now by the Holy Spirit,

Running out of time and rapidly so

With failure as my growing habit.

Vote for Me - CBBC - BBC  

I will end my lament with this request

As I beg you to join those without hope,

Please, as my emissaries come to your door

I am asking that you give me your vote.


Perhaps by now you think I’m a fool

And I am inclined to agree with you

But if all like now you haven’t tuned to God

Then you must be a fool too.


Stewart Russell © September 2019


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