Saturday, September 28, 2024

Rambling On


Watch Once Upon a Time | Disney+


“Once upon a time…”

How most stories would begin,

There was an innkeeper

That owned an inn.


People went in

And people went out

And I learnt that those people

Came from all about


He was knock-knee

And his wife was bow

And between the two of them

There was little to show.


They had a common enemy

Arthritis was his name,

Their legs would never straighten

And they were in much pain.


He walked with a stutter

And she, a constant hobble

And when they walked together

There was bound to be trouble.


Neither could help the other

No matter how they tried

And when one of them tumbled down

The other would lie down beside.


Why Body, Heart, and Mind Are So Important for Well-Being | Psychology Today


They went for long walks

With no destination in mind

Such that whenever they got there

They were always on time.


The problem was getting back

Especially if one had fallen,

The other would lie beside

As though their legs were broken.


Where am I going with this?

I expected you to enquire

So, like K-K and his wife Bow,

I will continue till I tire.


Not knowing where they were going

They seldom got very far,

In addition, I need not remind you

How their daily walks were marred.


Now, I have a knock-knee mind

And my heart is kind of bow

And like K-K and his faithful wife

I too have little to show.


My inn is my body

And my mind is the innkeeper,

Sometimes my heart would fall

And my mind would get weaker.


Together they would lie down

Until one helps up the other,

More often it was the mind

That helped the heart to get better.


Why Body, Heart, and Mind Are So Important for Well-Being | Psychology Today


Keep your heart with all diligence

And focus your mind on Christ

Your inn, the body, will prosper

And the Holy Spirit will suffice.


I’ve reached my unknown destination

So too have K-K and his wife

And though we rambled on a bit

“To be back” is very nice.


Now for the cast of the story:

The body was the inn

The mind was the innkeeper

And the heart, his wife, assisted him.


The thoughts were the people

That were going in and out

And likewise, it is with our thoughts

That come from all about.


Arthritis is the wine of self

That stops us from straightening up

That mars our daily walk with Christ

As from its glass we sup.


Stewart Russell © May 2020


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