Saturday, September 21, 2024

A People Out of Focus


Temple Models - King Solomon's Temple - Tablet Magazine

It was at first the tabernacle

But that was only a tent,

Since the Jews were on the go

This made a lot of sense.


The centre of the assembly

But not the centre-spot,

The Jews clearly understood then

That Yahweh held that spot.


On occasions though,

When showing a tendency to forget,

They were forcefully reminded

And their focus was reset.


How to Train Your Family | GoodSeed


It was a temporal setup

On the promised land journey

But in the fulness of time

There would be a stationary utility.


I speak of the temple

Which was David’s idea

But was built in Solomon’s time;

God had the final say.


With the temple came the city

Jerusalem was its name,

And under the reign of Solomon

Its riches were acclaimed.


There was great peace too

The result of God’s wisdom

That he gave to King Solomon

To rule in that kingdom.

Temple Models - King Solomon's Temple - Tablet Magazine

The temple, the centre-piece,

Soon became the centre-spot

And at times they hardly recognized

That Yahweh definitely was not.


There were many hard lessons

The Israelites had to learn

But the lessons were short lived

Since they were quite stubborn.


Fast forward to the future

Where we come to the Jews,

Just like in old Testament time

The temple was oft abused.


Almighty yet Considerate — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY


In the time of Eli

And even afterwards, Samuel,

For many of the people

It became like an idol.


They could live as they like

And all would be well,

Once they looked to the temple

Their troubles would be quelled.


Like the ark of the covenant

Back in King David’s time,

Once it was in their possession

All would be fine.


A misguided focus

Which they paid for greatly,

Such abeyance and worship

Is deserving of Yahweh only.


The Jews were proud of the temple

Which housed Almighty God,

It was made a splendid attraction

By King Herod before its fall.


The Roman Destruction and Rebuilding of Jerusalem - Drive Thru History  Adventures


Such was prophesied by Jesus

And within forty years occurred,

About the year AD 70

Is with what most scholars concur.


This was a hard knock to take

Certainly, for the Jews,

This in any time era

Would have been world news.


That was not its purpose

But the Jewish charm had gone

And with it the Old Covenant

Since the New was born.


They had seen the temple

But could not see the Christ,

Rather than worship the Creator

They worshipped a device.


Hence, it had to be removed

Their eyes were out of focus,

With the temple out of the way

They would now see Jesus.


And that’s what happened

Three thousand in one fell swoop

And shortly thereafter

Two thousand more in the loop.


11 Bible verses about To The Jew First


To the Jews first, remember?

And then thereafter the Gentiles,

All like today both are coming in

As the Word reaches the defiled.


These are the times of the Gentiles,

And these are the times of the Jews,

Of every nation under heaven

They are receiving the wonderful news.


The wonderful news of salvation

That Jesus is come to save,

To deliver from kings and presidents

Down to the common slave.


No need to be out of focus

And be trapped in traditions of old,

But step out in the genuine liberty

That your eyes can now behold.


Don’t replace the ancient temple

With modern edifices today

But let the Holy Spirit be your life

And in your heart hold sway.


Pray not only for Jerusalem

But pray for all other cities too,

From the four corners the Father is calling

Just as he called to me and you.


Stewart Russell © June 2020


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