Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Choice of Suffering


PPT - "I Would Rather Suffer Than Sin" PowerPoint Presentation - ID:6083922



I find this so intriguing

The salmon up the waterfall,

It is a determined sufferer

And this is its natural call.


Most creatures go with the flow

But the determined salmon does not

Instead it swims up the waterfall

For that is its destined lot.


What suffering it endures!

Just to perpetuate,

That is its way of life

Mostly for its young ones’ sake.


To view a similar situation

Pull up 1Peter 4: verses 15 and 16

Where the Apostle Peter directs us

To a very salmon-like scene.


Every born again believer

Will encounter some suffering,

It will come in some form or fashion

So there is no use denying.


Notwithstanding what we sing

Suffering will still come our way

But do note that we have a choice,

Check what these verses say.


Do not suffer as a murderer

Do not suffer as a thief,

The constant practice of evil doing

Is not the Christian’s belief.


But instead suffer as a Christian

And do not ever be ashamed,

Such suffering glorifies the Father

As we do so in Jesus’ name.


Even as Jesus also suffered

We can expect some suffering too,

Suffering for righteousness sake

Depicts a faith that is true.


Word For Today: Saturday, November 19 I Have Not Seen The Righteous  Forsaken | Pagina Del Pastor Jesus Figueroa


“I will not suffer,” we sing

And “I will not beg for bread,”

And we have the audacity to say

“That’s what the Bible said.”


Perhaps we need to re-examine

The theology that we sing

For when compared to 1Peter,

It is not the same thing.


Peter says that we will suffer

So how can we sing we will not?

He makes it clear to you and me

That suffering is the Christian’s lot.


But there is yet a consolation

And that is, we have a choice,

We do not suffer as the evildoer

That listens to the devil’s voice.


Instead we suffer for Christ’s sake

He, having suffered for us,

And in partaking of his suffering,

We identify with Jesus.


The Apostle Peter urges us

To live a God-honouring life

So that God receives the glory

In the midst of the daily strife.


As a soldier of Jesus Christ

Expect to suffer for his sake

But let not that suffering become

The result of trouble you make.


Heed the words of Peter

As you make the best of choice

In choosing suffering that comes

As you obey the Saviour’s voice.


Stewart Russell © August 2019


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