Sunday, September 15, 2024

In Christ Lies the Answer


A wonderful Saviour to me; He hideth my soul In the cleft of the rock, -  ppt download


A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord

That hymn says it so well,

The Lily of the valley and bright morning star

Another, his attributes tell.


The world is in dire need

And it knows not for what,

It strives for perpetual satisfaction

In all the wrong spots.


Wealth and fame

Popularity and power

Amidst the turmoil and strife

Every hour on the hour.


The tabloids are replete

With news utterly depressing

To the relative exclusion

Of events uplifting.


Mass shootings on the rise

And terrorism too,

“There‘s nothing we can do,”

Appears the popular view.


But there is an answer

Though it eludes the blinded world,

Its thinkers and builders

Appear not to have heard.


From time immemorial

It has fallen on the deaf ears

Of a world at enmity with God

In spite of these fears.


Jesus is The Answer - Bible Baptist Church


Jesus is the answer

For the world today,

This song’s message is rejected

And the world continues to pay.


Entertainment is its opium

And revelry is mounting,

Numerous believers are participating

But, who is counting?


The cost I mean…

Of a single lost soul…

Even among church membership

That are supposedly in the fold.


Yes, the coldness is obvious

Regarding the lost,

Once it used be the adage

“Win them at any cost”.


Now, it distinctly appears

We must join them to win them…

A notion rather futile

But we don’t see the problem.


The Light of the world | Nathan B. Poetry


The light of the world is Jesus

Another song we sing

And also “Walking in the Light

But that’s another thing.


Yes, we are the salt

And we are the light

But where is the seasoning?

And where is the spiritual insight?


Rescue the perishing

And what about the dying?

The fact that it’s getting darker,

There’s no use denying.


There be some who advocate

There’s gonna be a brighter day

But with out Jesus in charge

It will never happen ‘bout hey.


A rudderless church

Where once the spiritual hub

Now little different from the world,

Just another social club.


Sounds like the Laodicean church

Which had lost its way,

Boasting much but stark naked

In that time and today


I could go and on

But the point has been made,

Oft what appears to be solid ground

Ends up being an everglade.


On Christ the solid rock we stand

All other ground is sinking sand

And if we are to exit the devil’s maze

We must be led by God’s almighty hand.


A mighty fortress is our God

But the arm of flesh will fail,

To trust in man is to be damned

Such trust will not avail.


Prayer may be the key

But obedience is the way,

And what God says to us to do

Is far more important on any given day.


Stewart Russell © August 2019


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