Thursday, November 28, 2024

More on Moron


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


Moron by name

Moron by nature,

When it comes to being silly

Moron is a fixture.


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


Moron is married

To Mrs. Moron of course

And all the trying they do

They can’t get divorce.


They don’t get along

But can’t get away

And they have been like this

For many a year.


Incident after incident

Frequent and weird,

Here is another one of them;

Don’t be scared.


They were all alone,

No one else was around,

They had retired to their beds

And were lying down.


Mr. Moron snores

But Mrs. Moron does not,

She has never heard herself;

He thinks it’s rot.


She set out to prove

That she does not snore,

She’s been listening attentively

More and more.


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


“No evidence,” she says,

“I’ve been listening a lot,

I haven’t heard a single snore

While sleeping on my cot.”


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


“You can’t hear well,”

Mr. Moron countered,

“So, your no evidence tells me

You’re off your rocker."


So, this night in question

They were both asleep,

They were so dead to the world

They couldn’t hear a peep.


Quietly she awoke

As not to disturb him

And there lay with her eyes open

Taking in the night’s din.


She checked the clock

It was half-past two,

She slept not another wink

Convinced of her view.


“I know I don’t snore,”

She convinced herself,

“It’s he that has the problem

Of poor mental health.”


The clocked alarmed

On the dot of six

And she woke up Mr. Moron

With some cuffs and kicks.


He slept strongly

And didn’t like to wake

So, rousing him from deep sleep

Was no cake.


She finally woke him

After quite a chore

And she excitedly blurted out,

“I tell you I don’t snore.”


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


“How did you find out?”

He sleepily responded,

“I was up all night listening,”

She angrily rebounded.


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


“From half-past two

I was up until six

And the only snoring I heard,

Came from your lips.”


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


“I know I snore,

I have no argument there

And though I’ve never heard,

I really don’t care.


As for you

You could not snore all you like

But please don’t wake me up

In the middle of the night.”


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


Mrs. Moron was annoyed

At this stupid man

And right there and then

She came up with a plan.


She had to convince him

That she didn’t snore

And she made a determination

He would sleep no more.


At least, until he admitted

That she didn’t snore

Her poor moronic husband

Would sleep no more.


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


Every night thereafter

He had to be awake

And she couldn’t sleep either

Until it was too late.


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


And since neither slept

Neither could snore

So, Mr. Moron agreed she didn’t

And they fought no more.


See how easy that was?

Morons are smart,

With Mr. and Mrs. Moron

It was so from the start.


Here is the question:

Who made the more sense?

This would be Mr. Moron of course

Ladies, take no offense.


Stewart Russell © July 2, 2024


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