Sunday, November 17, 2024

Intolerant of Intolerance


 Richard Murphy on X: "The paradox of intolerance" / X

Of what are we intolerant

If not intolerance

And thus, re the same charges we level,

We lack repentance.


It’s not just a lifestyle

That we want to embrace

But that we also want to evangelize

Others to our own taste.


Thus, minority groups

Want amendments to the Law

To permit them full and free practice

Of acts perceived as flawed.

The Law of Hope | The Layman's Bible

Such acts to be nameless

For the purpose of this poem

Such that my intolerance of intolerance

Don’t become a problem.


As if this were not enough

They want a right to theirs

And thus, move that a law be passed

To eradicate your cares.


You must accept me

Though I don’t accept you

And this must be in the Constitution

To protect my view.


You are therefore guilty

Of what you accuse me

And wanting a law to vindicate you

Is ludicrous insanity.


I will tell you what, though,

We already have that,

“Different strokes for different folks”

And this is a daily fact.


What is Law - Basic Knowledge and Definitions


“All are equal under the Law”

Is mostly for common folk

For to see bigwigs brought to justice

Is nothing short of a joke.


I am intolerant of you

As you are intolerant of me

But when the Law permits depravity

That will be the death of me.


Stewart Russell © August 11, 2024


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