Sunday, October 06, 2024

What Is Sin?

 What is Sin? — A Yoga Perspective | by Light of the Spirit | Thoughts And  Ideas | Medium


My unsaved friend

Do you know what is sin?

Even with a moral compass

One is still dim.


One may be good

In the way he understands

But sin is not something

That happened to man.


Sin is a phenomenon

That brought on death;

Both spiritual and physical

And severed man’s rest.


Ye shall surely die

God did say said to Adam

So that when Adam disobeyed

It brought death to man.


A missing of the mark!

This was Adam’s sin

And Adam having disobeyed God

Separated God from him.


And the Lord God commanded the man saying, "Of every tree of the garden you  may freely eat but of the tree of the know… | What really happened, Adam  and eve,


A clear directive

Given by Almighty God,

First of all, Eve was deceived

And this triggered the fall.


Sin is a transgression

Or a missing of the mark

Which Almighty God established

From the very start.


Sin is clearly defined

1st John chapter 3 verse 4

Then go on to Mark chapter 12

And read some more.


There is a difference

Between sin and crime:

A crime contravenes a state’s law

But sin is contra Divine.


What Is the Greatest Commandment ...


Sin is a transgression

Of God’s perfect law

Hence, the ten commandments

Showed man his flaw.


Man could not appease

The Most Holy God

And this was clearly shown

From his initial fall.


 What is Sin? — A Yoga Perspective | by Light of the Spirit | Thoughts And  Ideas | Medium 


Given a single directive

Adam miserably failed,

There in the garden of Eden

The enemy prevailed.


Mrs. Adam was deceived

While Mr. Adam succumbed

And just as God had indicated

Man was undone.


All have sinned

Meaning all in the earth,

Sin’s curse falls on everyone

Of a natural birth.


And the wages of sin

Is eternal death,

Eternally separated from God

And void of His rest.


But there remains a rest

For the people of God

Guaranteed by the second Adam

Who did not fall.


Believe on the Lord Jesus

And you will be saved,

This is the so-great salvation

Almighty God gave.


Having shed his blood

Only Jesus can forgive sin

And now he invites all and sundry

To come unto him.


Greatest Commandment Lesson Plan for ...


We must love Yahweh

With all of our heart,

With all our mind and strength-

This is where we start.


We must love others

Just as we love ourselves,

These two define the benchmark

Of spiritual health.


Sin occurs every time

That we miss this mark

Whether we sin in word or deed

Or in our heart.


It is only by the Holy Spirit

One can hit God’s mark,

It is His indwelling Holy Spirit

That transforms the heart.


The spirit of the law

Is what we must achieve;

The Holy Spirit helps us to do this

Once we believe.


The greatest sin is rejecting

The Lord Jesus Christ

For in so doing we make of no avail

His atoning sacrifice.


Stewart Russell © June 21, 2024


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