Thursday, October 03, 2024



Advice: Nothing is impossible! - Newspaper - DAWN.COM


You cannot do another’s work

However hard you try,

But if perchance you manage to

You are living a lie.


For then, you see, I must believe

Your work is oft unfinished,

For if you have time to do another’s

Yours must be quite diminished.


Little or nothing to do

Or, perhaps not exercising enough,

If this be the case my mixed-up friend,

That is rather tough.


All the work you’ve managed to do

Simply was your own,

If it wasn’t at the beginning

Then your workload had grown.


To whom much is given

To the same much is expected,

So the thought it is someone else’s

Must surely be rejected.


You will be held accountable

For the work you have to do

And the excuse it was not your work

Will never see you through.


If you do another’s work

That person is automatically absolved,

His work is now become your work;

You are the one involved.


It switches from him to you

Hence, you are now responsible,

And if anything should go wrong

You’d be the one in trouble.


If it is good, you get the praise,

If it is bad; the blame,

And that to my mind is fair enough

However much you complain.


Advice: Nothing is impossible! - Newspaper - DAWN.COM


You cannot do another’s work,

Whatever you do is yours

So, do it well with all your strength

For your reward is sure.


The reward is fitted to the work;

The two go hand in hand,

He that works, the reward is his,

That’s according to the plan.


You might do ten men’s work

Or five men or even two,

It’s your work you must remember

So keep this within view.


You cannot do another’s work

That is not at all possible,

Concentrate on the work you have

And do it while you’re able.


Every believer has a work:

A work he or she must do,

No one can do another one's work

And that also means you.


Stewart Russell © January 16, 2022


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