Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Fit It to Whomever


To Whom It May Concern: What it Means and When to use it – INK Blog



How often do you hear

“We are doing the best we can”?

They are doing the best they can

Down to every single man.


And they can only get better

For they are at rock bottom

And should they drill further down

This would be rotten.


Doing their best for whom?

Not for insignificant me,

And I dare say not for you either;

I trust that you see.


We can become so partisan,

We refuse to see the truth

But steering us right in our face

Is the blatant proof.


So, if as they are saying

They are doing their best,

Why is it not obvious to everyone?

Why don’t I feel less stress?


Why do I get the feeling

That they are doing their best

In the sense they cannot do better,

As in not up to the test…


How to Continue Good Grades into the Second Quarter – The Gator's Eye


Or, as in doing their best

As shown by their high grades

Received from international agencies

The other Government failed?


So, it is all well and good

To say “We are doing our best”

But I need to know whose agenda

And who grades the test.


International Monetary Fund (IMF), History, Functions


Is it the IMF

That pushes raising tax

So that whatever gains accrued to us

Must now be put back?


Is it certain corporations

And or faithful devotees

That must receive promised rewards

For ably assisting parties?


Like the promised fatted calf

That was previously engaged

And if such promises are not kept

Some will likely be enraged?


It is likely not you or me

To whom their best relates,

If so, tell me my partisan friend,

Would we be in this state?


 Barbados seeking legal advice to facilitate voting for COVID+ people | Loop  Caribbean News


They come to us first

When it is campaign time

But after our 30 seconds of power

We are far from their mind.


They promise to serve us

Just to get our vote

And thereafter, the fires that burn,

They continue to stoke.


In the words of their partisans

We complain too much

And want to treat the Government

As though it is our crutch.


“Get up and get,” they crow,

“And stop the complaining.”

Forgetting it’s the last Government

They are still blaming.


They complained then

But theirs was constructive

However, the complainers presently,

Are considered destructive.


How To Handle Bad Grades: A Practical Guide For Parents - Educational  Connections


The former did their worst

These are doing their best,

It’s really only a matter, you see,

Re who is marking the test.


How to Continue Good Grades into the Second Quarter – The Gator's Eye 


The best they can they do

And they do the best they can

And they daily testify to the fact,

This is down to every man.


Man, here is generic;

I know this doesn’t hold today

But to facilitate rhyme and meter,

I use it in this way.


No offense is meant

And I trust none is taken

But if perchance you are offended,

I beg to be forgiven.


Stewart Russell © October 4, 2024


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