Monday, August 31, 2020

The Swiftness of the Days

Anyone else losing track of days? - Trinity Homeschool Enrichment of Hunt  County | Facebook 
I am so terribly confused
Regarding these days
That I am overcompensating
In so many ways.

Take for example
The swiftness of time:
I mix up these days
Like I am out of my mind.

Bank Holidays are Sundays
Thursdays begin weekends
And often I ask what day it is
Like I’m off the deep end.

In my mind I think
Yesterday is two days gone
When in actual fact
Today is only the second dawn.

Proposal to Rename the Days of the Week : CoronavirusMemes

Maybe for just for me
It would be wise
If the days could be reorganized
As a personal compromise.

Today would be yesterday
And yesterday the day before,
Tomorrow would be today
And I would struggle no more.

I would be better able
To keep up with the time
And I would no longer feel
Like I am out of my mind.

Today would be Tuesday
Yesterday would have been Monday
And that would put me on cue
Even though ahead by one day.
Yes, change the days
So that retirees can keep up
And we won’t mistake the days
And run out of luck.

Like when we seek a bargain
On a particular day
And we are told it was the day before
Meaning it was yesterday.

Fun Riddle for Kids: What Day Is It Today? | | Funny  jokes for kids, Riddles, What day is it

So, that yesterday, as I see it
Is the day before,
Day before is therefore two days earlier
Need I say more?

That works for the seller
Let it also work for me
And adjust all of the other days

I did not plan to go there
But I discovered a precedent,
Since bargains are the day before
I’d be a day late in any event.

Stewart Russell © August 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

Guilty of the Same Error

The Grace & Work Tension. Sheep and Goats Matt 25 Seems to teach that we  are saved by works – not by grace via faith. But consider the context:  Matt. - ppt download
Have you ever noticed
How we often accuse others
For the same things we do
As though ours didn’t matter?

And often the facts will show
That we are just as guilty
But we only can see their fault
Since ours lack visibility.

We sit in our armchairs
And accuse other denominations,
We say they are guilty
Of promoting a works salvation.

They are like the Pharisees
And emphasize the letter of the law
And we sit in our judgment seat
And expose their every flaw.

And we are quick to propagate
A salvation by faith and grace
Yet, we work hard to get to heaven
And to see Jesus face to face.
SALVATION ALWAYS PRODUCES WORKS WORKS NEVER PRODUCE SALVATION Ti Conspiracy  Realist Repost đź“–Ephesians 210 - For We Are His Workmanship Created in  Christ Jesus Unto Good Works Which God Hath Before Ordained
We were ushered in not by works
But works must get us there,
We are just like those we accuse
Though we are not aware.

Keen to see another’s fault
We seldom see our own
And as far as we are concerned
It’s the other’s fault alone.

But the judgment that we use
Can be used against us also
Hence, it is time we look inward
And see what is there to know.
Like those we often censure
We too are without merit
And the filthy rags we call our works
Are to our own discredit.

Not one of us is righteous
Certainly not in our own selves
And it is only in Jesus
That we have spiritual health.

SALVATION ALWAYS PRODUCES WORKS WORKS NEVER PRODUCE SALVATION Ti Conspiracy  Realist Repost đź“–Ephesians 210 - For We Are His Workmanship Created in  Christ Jesus Unto Good Works Which God Hath Before Ordained  
So be careful when you criticize
Begin with an inward look,
The Pharisees too were lost
Their works were all they took.

We can know them by their fruit
But that is not a call to judge
And if you feel you need to help
Just give a friendly nudge.

For, there go I
But for the grace of God,
The humble portion belongs to us
But God gets the applause.

Let not the problem at Galatia
Be your problem too:
“O foolish Galatians,
Who hath bewitched you?”

SALVATION ALWAYS PRODUCES WORKS WORKS NEVER PRODUCE SALVATION Ti Conspiracy  Realist Repost đź“–Ephesians 210 - For We Are His Workmanship Created in  Christ Jesus Unto Good Works Which God Hath Before Ordained
Truly, we are called to a standard
But that is not our salvation,
Our salvation is in Jesus Christ
In whom we have redemption.

It is only the born again
That is on his way to heaven
And that is only because
His sins have been forgiven.

Stewart Russell © July 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Not Even Me

Romans 8:39 Inspirational Image

Having said yes to God
He will in no way accept no,
I am dogmatic about this
Because the Bible says so.

Born into God’s kingdom
Speaks to permanence,
I became His precious child
Via genuine repentance.

According to Romans 8
Verses 35 to 39 to be exact,
I have that assurance
And God’s truth is fact.

Being born again
Is the premise I choose,
My child of the Father status
I can never lose.

Once a child of God
I am always a child of God
Hence, I will not be deceived
Or let Satan defraud.

Romans 8:39 Inspirational Image

From my natural birth
I was my father’s son
But now I am born again
New life has come.

To all that believe
God grants us the power
To be His sons and daughters
From that very hour.

Since I cannot not change
My earthly circumstance
Neither do I have the power
To alter what God has advanced.
What he has put in place
Is His sovereign will
And I know like you do
What he promises he fulfils.

I’ve heard the argument
That I can separate me,
Read Romans chapter 8
And that you won’t see.

It explicitly says nothing
And later implies no one,
Please read from verse 38
And please read on.

This is the word of God
I am sure you agree
So read verse 39
And tell me what you see.

Romans 8:39 Inspirational Image

“Nor any other creature”
Can separate us
From the Love of God
Which is in Christ Jesus.

Put my name right there
I hope you can see,
“Nor any other creature”
Can separate me.

From the love of God
Nothing or no one
Can separate me from God
Ever since I was reborn.

For having said yes to God
I was born again
Hence, being a cast off
Will never be my pain.

Stewart Russell © July 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

My Response

 What is Your Doxology? | Stephen Mirabal
A Parody of the Doxology

Blame God from whom all cyclones blow,
Blame him, all creatures here below,
Blame Him, who knocks down church and steeple,
Who sends the floods and drowns the people.


I ponder on this writer’s worldview
But not for long
For whatever his origins’ position is
This view is terribly wrong.

Let me write out the doxology
So that we all can compare
The truth about the Almighty God
And the nonsense that men often air.

 Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above the heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

What a departure this parody is!
What a severe distortion of truth!
Clearly this writer is making claims
For which he has no proof.

He could be a creationist
Or an evolutionist, he might be,
Be it one or the other,
There is much he cannot see.

He may have been joking
Like some of us tend to do,
But somethings you don’t joke about
Is my considered view.

People mocked the donkey
From time immemorial;
As a result, the following was written:
It is rather satirical.
The donkey does the talking,
Aware of how he is perceived,
These first two verses make the point
He hopes we human will receive.

Troubadours' look to inject Chesterton's joy, humor into a ...

When fishes walk and forests flew
And figs grew upon thorns,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely, I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil’s walking parody
On all four-footed things.

G. K. Chesterton

Just two verses I have written
To define this parody,
It speaks of a time there never was
As the origin for the donkey.

Treated with utter contempt
In this some find their humour,
And though the matter be serious,
For these it evokes laughter.

You might recall the fable of old
Written by the Greek author, Aesop,
When the village boys engaged in fun
But for the frogs, it certainly was not.

The frogs were having a swim
One day in a village pool,
Along came some village boys
And each became a fool.

They began to stone the frogs
And one by one they died,
But a wise old frog opened up his mouth
And the boys’ actions he decried. 

Aesop's Fable #021] The Boys and The Frogs (Subtitled) - YouTube

“What’s fun for you Is death to us,”
That wise old frog remarked,
A valuable lesson for those young boys
And a very good place to start.

Some blame God for all that’s wrong
But for any good man gets the praise,
Hence, this parody of the doxology,
No need to repeat what it says.

I must confess I would be afraid
To refer to God in such a way
But there are some who wouldn’t care less
Even if He should some of them slay.

God takes responsibility, I believe,
For all that He has created,
Especially human beings like you and me
Whose brains often seem cremated.

Like the writer of this parody
That may seem to be very clever,
To him it might have been humorous
But to God it brings no pleasure.

I will take one thing from his parody,
That is, he recognizes God,
The fact he blames Him for cyclones
Says there is a God, after all.

There’s hope, I believe, for such;
It’s the first step to being rewarded,
For one must believe that God exists
If life to him should be accorded.

So, I would say to my fellow writer
Now, take it to the logical step,
Disabuse your mind from this parody of justice
And thank Jesus for paying your debt.

Running Out Of Time: Brandon Lowden Has Only Two Years Left If He ...

Yes, God did curse the world
But on account of man’s deliberate sin,
But he also gave His only Son
Through whom we can come to Him.

He is our refuge in the cyclone
And our protector in the floods,
And in any circumstance that comes our way
God always demonstrates He is good.

Stewart Russell © March 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just Questions

15 questions to ask your customers to know their expectations - Skeepers
How long is eternal life?
At what point does it end?
Does it have a beginning?
Answer these questions, my friend.

What really is salvation?
What is its nature?
How does one come by it?
Is there a full picture?

Can we lose our salvation?
What must we do to lose it?
What do we mean by born again?
Will a born again person quit?

And if a born again person quits
Can he be born again?
And if after trying he is lost,
Who is it to blame?

How much is salvation dependent on us?
How much is it dependent on Christ?
Can we take any credit for it at all?
Or, did Christ pay the total price?

Is Jesus able to keep his sheep?
Or, does he require their assistance?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
What is his real importance?

Can Jesus lose any of his sheep?
Can any pluck them away from him?
What is the role of the Father in all this?
Is a believer lost on account of sin?

How much of our sins are forgiven?
Is it the past sins only?
Is it the past and the present sins?
Or, is it our sins totally?
15 questions to ask your customers to know their expectations - Skeepers

What proof is there that another is saved?
Do we know it for sure?
Can we tell other than by their fruit?
Or, is there something more?

What does it mean to be justified?
How are we justified?
What appeased the justice of God?
And, how is it described?

How is the atonement factored in?
And who atoned for our sins?
How effective is this atonement
And who is eligible to be brought in?

Are we saved by the works we do?
At what point did we become sinners?
And, if salvation is dependent on works
What is the fate of the beginner?

These are just important questions
What you do with them is up to you,
The answers can be found in God’s Word
But I have a strong feeling you knew.

If your faith is taking a beating
You can find solace in God’s Holy Word,
Where there is encouragement and assurance
If in your walk you have grown tired.

Finding the answers will take time
But God knows the repentant heart,
He will reward the diligent seeker
Once we take the time to start.

Stewart Russell © October 2019

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Spare A Thought for the Child

Children shoot questions
Left, right and centre,
Today they enquire about matters
Into which we’d never have ventured.

We were to be seen
Only when that could not be helped
But keep our mouths shut
Regardless of how we felt.

Today it is different,
Children are encouraged to ask
Though how to answer them
Is becoming a monumental task.

I’ve long past childhood
But I have some questions of my own
And I am sure in this matter
I am not alone.

Think about a seven-year old
In a home with two daddies:
What should be the response
If he asks which is his mommy?


Or, perhaps a six-year old
Living with two mommies
In which case in years long gone by
One would likely be a granny?

Which of you is my mommy?
Which of you is my daddy?
How would we respond to that child?
Please, somebody, tell me.

And when he or she grows up
And goes to the registry
For a certificate of their birth,
Tell me if you will, what will they see?

Spare a thought for the child
Whose rights will be denied:
The right to a father and a mother
In whom they could confide.

Isn’t it already hard enough
Given single-parent situations?
Why make it more complex
By adding more complications?

Who will model Daddy?
Which one will model Mommy?
How will we explain
This overwhelming complexity?

Moving away from the natural
To the abnormally unnatural,
Two Mommies or two Daddies
Is so unprincipled.


Spare a thought for the child;
We didn’t have this growing up
So, why visit this on a child?
What a bitter cup!

When the question is asked
As no doubt it will be,
Which will be the real father
And which will be the mommy?

Stewart Russell © August 17, 2020