How long is eternal life?
At what point does it end?
Does it have a beginning?
Answer these questions, my
What really is salvation?
What is its nature?
How does one come by it?
Is there a full picture?
Can we lose our salvation?
What must we do to lose
What do we mean by born
Will a born again person
And if a born again person
Can he be born again?
And if after trying he is lost,
Who is it to blame?
How much is salvation
dependent on us?
How much is it dependent
on Christ?
Can we take any credit for
it at all?
Or, did Christ pay the
total price?
Is Jesus able to keep his
Or, does he require their
What is the role of the
Holy Spirit?
What is his real importance?
Can Jesus lose any of his
Can any pluck them away
from him?
What is the role of the
Father in all this?
Is a believer lost on
account of sin?
How much of our sins are
Is it the past sins only?
Is it the past and the
present sins?
Or, is it our sins
What proof is there that
another is saved?
Do we know it for sure?
Can we tell other than by
their fruit?
Or, is there something
What does it mean to be
How are we justified?
What appeased the justice
of God?
And, how is it described?
How is the atonement
factored in?
And who atoned for our
How effective is this
And who is eligible to be
brought in?
Are we saved by the works
we do?
At what point did we
become sinners?
And, if salvation is
dependent on works
What is the fate of the
These are just important
What you do with them is
up to you,
The answers can be found
in God’s Word
But I have a strong
feeling you knew.
If your faith is taking a
You can find solace in
God’s Holy Word,
Where there is
encouragement and assurance
If in your walk you have
grown tired.
Finding the answers will
take time
But God knows the
repentant heart,
He will reward the
diligent seeker
Once we take the time to
Stewart Russell © October
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