Monday, September 03, 2018

To Do or To Be

How does one procure salvation?
Is it by his good works?
Is it through paying penance?
Is it through attending church?

Can one really know he is saved
Or must he wait for judgment day
To stand before Almighty God
To know if he is in the way?

And if we must work for salvation
What level must be achieved
To warrant a place in heaven
And a crown of life receive?

Are we to do to be saved?
Is salvation performance based?
Is there a list of rudiments
That we must master to be saved?

What is the determined percentage
That we must obtain in life’s test
So that we can know for sure
We have made it into God’s rest?

Is there anyone out there
Who can give me the answer to these?
If you are, please come on in
And give the details, please! 

For there are those who teach
I can’t know that I have salvation
And with all that I might do here
There is still a chance of damnation.

So be vigilant and be diligent
Use every chance to do good works
For should you let an opportunity slip
You may be left out in the lurch.

Not very inspiring I would say
If to do is the basis for my hope
For I have slipped so many times
I must be going down hell’s slope.

Ah, but wait a minute!
Let us paused and think this through,
We’ve heard from al these pundits
Let’s check the biblical view.

Him whom the Son sets free
Is truly free indeed,
Jesus bled and died for everyone
So that we won’t have to bleed.

Why would he die on the cross
From sin to set us free
If to do is where we are at
With no possibility of being to be?

He that has the Son, I am told
Is he who presently has life
So that to do is not a worry
To be has saved me from such strife.

Salvation is not premised on to do
That exam none of us could pass,
Only Jesus ever had a perfect score
And he is in a different class.

Only he could unlock the gate
Of heaven and let us in
So that to do is not what’s required
If we are to be saved from sin.

To be is where we need to get
Only through Christ can that be done,
To be in the way which is Jesus Christ
Not in a race that has to be run.

For Jesus has completed the course
And now he asks that we trust in him,
To be is really the born again
Who have been forgiven of their sin.

So that to do is the impossible
Until one has been born again,
To be puts to do in right perspective
When in us God’s Spirit reigns.

Do not put the cart before the horse
The to do before the to be,
It’s only when we get the order right
That to do is complementary.

By their fruits they shall be known
All that belong to Christ,
To be is who they really are
Since identifying in his sacrifice.

Who we are determines what we do
It’s not the other way around,
Of the born again is who we are
To do by itself is hell bound.

It’s not primarily about doing
Though doing is an indication
Of the work that has been done in us
That wrought our salvation.

He who has begun that work in us
Will see it through to completion,
To do is Satan’s way of bringing doubt
But to be is our redemption.

Stewart Russell (c) January 2018

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