If Adam was there
When Eve was tempted
Then, why from deception
Was he exempted?
Adam was first formed
And then Eve
But Adam was not deceived
Like was Eve.
Was Adam privy
To the conversation
Between the snake and Eve
In Eden Garden?
And if he was
Why was it not shown
And why under the bus
Was Eve thrown?
She faced the music;
To me that’s clear,
So why did Adam not speak
If he was there?
Some do believe
That Adam was there
While others will contend:
“Not even near.”
The serpent was subtle
The Bible points out
And that Adam was there
Might be in doubt.
Why would he let Eve
Be challenged alone
And allow the willy serpent
Disrupt their home?
It is a senseless thing
The first man did,
No wonder Cain killed Abel
And then hid.
Adam hid too
Along with his wife
After they had disobeyed
And were in strife.
The weaker vessel
It is clear was she
But was he not also weak?
Wasn’t he?
She gave him to eat
And he did eat,
That surely is an indication
He too was weak.
Else, why did he yield
To the crafty snake
Such that when Eve offered
He would take?
An indirect ploy
Was the devil’s plan
Thus, causing Adam and Eve
To forfeit Eden land.
Was Adam there?
He must have been
And thus, he supported Eve
In Satan’s scheme.
What if he’d held firm
And did not eat?
To this matter, let me say,
I cannot speak.
The fact of the matter
Is that he did eat
And from the garden of Eden
Had to retreat.
Adam was there
Though not deceived
However, he was so besotted,
He succumbed to Eve.
You would recall
Samson did similarly
When Delilah took his heart
In captivity.
That Adam was there
Is clear to me
But there is a bigger issue
We all should see.
Adam and Eve
Turned from the way
When the instruction of God
They disobeyed.
Stewart Russell © November 21, 2024
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