Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I Am Amazed

The Battle for our Children | Jim Baton

I am amazed
 At how we treat our children
Forcing them to like our stuff
And if they don’t
We get rough
And we get tough

I am amazed
At how we train our children
Forcing them to like our fashion
And if they don’t
We get in a passion
And treat them with aggression

I am amazed
At how we bamboozle our children
With our religion
That we know so little about
And how we shout
When our children opt out

I am amazed
At how we say no to our children
When it would be so much easier
To say yes
And give them our best
To relieve their stress

The Battle for our Children | Jim Baton

I am amazed
Why we make it hard for our children
In telling them to wait
Just for one minute
As a regular habit
And they see us like a cynic

I am amazed
When we criticize our children
Especially in their wrongdoing
Rather than smile
All the while
And encourage their style
I am amazed
When we try to guide our children
In the way of the Bible
Even in this modern day
Rather than let them have their say
In just how they want to stray

I am amazed
At how we regard our children
Not recognizing
They are far brighter than we were
Or ever will be
In spite of our jealousy

I am amazed
At how we try to control our children
Denying them their freedom
And their so-called rights
To do as they please
And sail through life with ease

The Battle for our Children | Jim Baton

I am amazed
At how we try to stop our children
From falling where we fell
And making our mistakes
So that in this life
They can get an easier break

I am amazed
At how we educate our children
By sending them to schools
With traditional standards and rules
To acquire the necessary tools
So they won’t be anybody’s fools

I am amazed
At how we treat to our children
As parents and not as buddies
When it would be far better
To be like their friends
And share the dividends

I am amazed
How we chastise our children
For our archaic and outmoded perception
Attributing to them rudeness and disrespect
Rather than introspect
And come to grips with what to expect

Mistakes to Avoid When Reprimanding Your Child | Faxadella Blog

I am amazed
At how we reprimand our children
Spanking and punishing them
Instead of giving rewards
Despite their deviant behavior
That does not meet with our favour

I am amazed
At how we try to rob our children
Of their independence and uniqueness
Of the intrigues of this life 
Though seemingly weird
Classifying the same as strife

I am amazed
That we force church on our children
Making them angry and resentful
And then wonder
Why they are what they are
And with progressive minds not on par

I am amazed
That as we raise our children
That we cannot see eye to eye
With the proponents of the new ideologies
Their schisms and philosophies
Their tomfoolery and devilry

I am amazed
That in spite of having us for their parents
They are still blossoming and growing
They are radiant and glowing
They are reaping what they are sowing
Isn’t this mind blowing?

I am amazed
At the amazing strides
Our amazing communities are amazingly making
Because of our amazing children
And how amazingly
We have raised them

And if you are not amazed
Then I am amazed
That there are still
Some amazing old-fashioned parents
Numbered in an amazing minority
That still have respect for God’s amazing authority

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Our children still need our guidance
As they traverse life’s deceptive maze
We cannot afford to abandon them
As they process each critical phase

As amazing as it may seem
God still holds parents accountable
Even in this postmodern age
For raising up a godly people

Stewart Russell © 2017

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