“Forward march!”
Is the clarion call,
As long as you are born again
It's to you and all.
By the centre,
It is, “Forward march,”
With the sword of the Spirit
And a faithful heart.
Marching in time
With our Commander,
Captain of heaven’s hosts
And evil’s vanquisher.
“Forward march!”
To conquer the foe
So, the lost, their Redeemer,
May come to know.
Though conflict rages
Without and within,
We will still have the victory
Over the devil and sin.
“Forward march!”
And jettison the baggage
While trusting the Holy Spirit
To ably manage.
“Forward march!”
In Twenty-Twenty-Five,
Marching together as a unit
To definitely thrive.
Forgiving past disputes
Yet learning from them,
Let us all be in “Forward march!”
To evade this problem.
For we are God’s army:
Meaning, the born-again,
And God will always be with us
In joy and through pain.
Leaving none behind
Whether weak or strong
But in agape love and Christian unity
Bringing each other along.
Sharing another’s burden
Fulfilling Christ’s law,
“Forward march,” together as one
Though differently flawed.
Strength in numbers
Like the proverbial sticks,
Opening the eyes of one another
To the enemy’s tricks.
Fearing for the weakest
And the one less comely
In the recognition that in Christ,
We are one family.
Having a vision
That goes beyond self,
Seeing beyond one’s own growth
To the body’s health.
We are in it together;
“Together”: the buzz word,
Yes, forward we march together
With vision unobscured.
You, guarding my back
And I, protecting yours,
Alert always for opportunities
That is, for open doors.
More than just a slogan
Must be “Forward march”
Or we have inadvertently retreated
Right from the start.
Valuing one and all
Despite personal perception
And being aware of the danger
Of self-gratification.
None is a Samaritan
And none is a Jew
But brothers and sisters in Christ,
Both me and you.
Eliminate all biases
And all prejudices
And let’s not judge like Pharisees
Or Sadducees.
But in honour
Preferring one another
For a cup of water in Jesus’ name
Is to God’s honour.
“Forward march!” as one,
As in the Trinity
And the gates of hell will yield
Under this unity.
And so, I will end this
Just like I began,
Entreating we build one another
Not body slam.
“Forward march!”
It’s the clarion call,
As long as you are born again
It is to you and all.
Stewart Russell © December 6, 2024