Sunday, December 15, 2019

What A Mix-Up!

I heard something recently
I believe was meant to confuse,
It was about the Gospel message
I was not at all amused.

Christ is the heart of the Gospel
That, I was made to understand,
Now, I am hearing something different
That’s not in accordance with this plan.

There seems to be some mix-up
Based on what I have been hearing,
This might not be clear to some
And that is what I am fearing.

“The Gospel is not about Jesus”
Yes, that came out just right,
Please do not ask me to repeat it
It is a colossal loss of sight.

But the preacher did not stop there
He had a little more to add
And, what he added, I must add
Was enough to make one sad.

“The Gospel is about the kingdom,” he said,
It is not about Jesus Christ,
It’s the Good News about the kingdom
Hence, why Jesus was sacrificed.

As a matter of fact, the preacher said
That Jesus did not really die,
The Greek meant something different
As if to dare anyone to deny.

I know very little Greek, I must admit,
So on that basis, I cannot argue
But, he said the word means to expire
And this was strike mix-up number two.

Die and expire mean the same
That is how it seems to me,
And particularly so in this context,
I have no doubt you can see.
Christ and the kingdom are the same,
He is and represents the kingdom,
Salvation can be found in none other
Jesus was and is and is to come.

This preacher made light of the cross
And also the shed blood of Jesus Christ,
Treat to the problem the person has, he said,
And then born again would suffice.

These spiritual idiosyncrasies
Are like the foxes that spoil the vine,
Depending on who the preacher is
Some will eagerly fall in behind.

Be aware there are other gospels
That are not the Gospel at all
But if the preacher has a lot of clout,
Because of his influence, many will fall.

His name shall be called Jesus
For he shall save his people from their sin,
Anything short of this Gospel fact
Relates to a light that is misguidedly dim.

Stewart Russell © December 2019

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