“Go to hell!” he angrily exclaimed.
“Where is hell?
Please… do explain.”
“Hell is here.
Don’t you feel the pain?”
If that’s so, what’s the Bible’s claim?
The Bible records there’s such a place,
For hope therein there’s not a trace,
Created for the Devil and his demons
And all who refuse God’s salvation.
Some scorn at the very thought,
Others mock reducing it to naught,
Many regard it with great contempt,
Following are reasons why they resent.
Of a loving God it doesn’t make sense,
For a short life span no fit recompense,
Such won’t be justice, just victimization
If God could stoop to such damnation.
What depth of evil could merit hell?
Somebody, please, I’m listening, do tell.
These are some, not by any means all
Reasons why hell’s a poor judgment call.
God must be vindictive to go to this length
To demonstrate His power and His strength
And then rate such as abhorrence for sin!
I wonder what could be the matter with Him.
How could God be loving and gracious?
How could God be merciful yet so vicious?
How could he be so holy and righteous?
How could an eternity in hell be just?
Listen up and I will tell you how,
Disabuse your mind of your ranting now!
Do not dwell on your semblance of truth,
Let’s go to the Bible and get the real proof!
The Bible does declare there is a hell,
In Matthew 13 we hear Jesus clearly tell
The wicked will be cast into a furnace of fire,
Later he spoke of torment that doesn’t expire.
The book of Revelation keeps us on track,
Revelation chapter 20 verse15 to be exact,
Read of God’s judgment concerning the issue of sin
And regarding all who object to be united to Him.
Hell really comes down to a matter of choice,
Choose Jesus and the reason to rejoice,
He that chooses otherwise is already condemned
Because he has denied the Son the Father did send.
Bear in mind what God placed on His Son,
Who died in our stead and that work is done,
He murmured not but in humility bore
Our sins on the cross and opened heaven’s door.
Hell need not be an issue for anyone
That will come to Jesus and be reborn,
For he that comes he will in no wise cast out;
Hallelujah to the Lamb! That one can shout.
Just like heaven is, hell’s a real place too
But it was not created for the likes of you,
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost,
The evidence was displayed on Calvary’s cross.
Think if you may what Jesus went through
To prepare a way of escape for me, for you;
How will you escape if you reject the Way?
Choose Christ now!
Do it today!
“Go to hell!” may not be so bad today
But there is coming a time when Christ will say
I never knew you, depart from me!
And hell will be yours for all eternity.
A word to the wise is sufficient they say,
Turn to Jesus now and no longer delay,
Today may be the last chance that comes you way,
No more opportunity when in the ground you lay.
Opinion and feeling do not alter the fact,
Neither does diplomacy nor any amount of tact,
Once in hell there is no coming back,
My brother and sister, time to get off that track.
Stewart Russell© 2015
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