He’d been away a long time
They longed for his return
They waited and they waited
And in them impatience burned
He had been their shoulder
Their counselor and their friend
He had been their guide
Without him all this would end
He had gone up the Mount
At the insistence of their God
Not likely to return they thought
And spread this news abroad
No word was heard from him
For more than forty days
And the people decided
To do something about the delay
Since he had been gone
It appeared that God had gone too
So they communicated to Aaron
What they thought he should do
Make us a golden calf they said
So that we may have a God
For there is certainly none
Since Moses went abroad
Well Aaron in his weakness
Acceded to their demand
And as we all surely know
This was against God’s plan
Of course God was always aware
Of all that they were doing
And this he told to Moses
And insist that he be going
God was mighty angry
And thought to destroy them all
But because of his promise to Abraham
He wouldn’t make that call
And so Moses left the Mount
And later with Joshua connected
Who had journeyed part of the way
Since at the top he was not expected
Moses would hear from God
This was at God’s request
So while Joshua stopped midway
Moses went all the rest
While on their way to the camp
They heard a peculiar sound
To Joshua it was the noise of war
Moses felt he was wrong
It was not the sound of victory
Or the cry of the vanquished
Rather is was the noise of something
That neither of them would wish
It was the sound of idol worship
The sound of revelry
The people were eating and drinking
And playing immorally
They professed to worship the Lord
By means of the golden calf
God had given his word to them
But they chose a different path
This was the sound of rebellion
And many of the people died
It is God’s word we must obey
And not that which men decide
Stewart Russell © May 2018