Sunday, April 30, 2023

Marred Yet Such Beauty


Christ Is the End of the Law - Plain Bible Teaching  


None was ever so marred as the Saviour

None was ever so marred as he

Yet as we look back on his purpose

There is such a wondrous beauty.


He came to his own who refused him

They swore he could not be the Christ,

Just a handful he had gathered round him

All but one the world would entice.


It was he who created the universe

It must have cringed at the way he was treated

When only at the triumphal entry

As King of the world he was greeted.


The rocks would have cried out he had stated

Had there been no subjects on hand

For into Jerusalem rode the King of all kings

In keeping with the Father’s plan.


my thoughts on Jesus being "the white man's religion"... - JustPierre


Just a few days later such wondrous beauty

Was marred beyond compare

As the Saviour bore the cross to Calvary-

The one that none of us could bare.


In a real sense it was our cross he carried

For we are the guilty ones,

It was we who had engaged in rebellion

Even from creation’s dawn.


But not one of us was able to bare it

In that it was a price to heavy for us to pay,

And even if the whole world had given its all

It would not have reached half of the way.


There was only one that could qualify

That could take the sins of the world away,

It was the Saviour, marred beyond recognition

Yet, displaying a radiant beauty that day.


My God, why have you forsaken me? - Grace Counselling Centre


For how else could you explain his words?

“Forgive them Father; they know not what they do”

When beyond the depth of his agony

There was something greater he held in view.


It was the world that he had created

Lounging in the far reaching depths of sin,

The very people he had come to rescue

Were same people that had crucified him.


Hence the title of “marred yet such beauty”

As the Saviour hung from Calvary’s tree,

The paradox of all paradoxes emerges

Jesus died so we could live eternally.


Christ Is the End of the Law - Plain Bible Teaching

A silhouetted figure on that Judean hill

A picture of heaven’s beauty and human vice,

The sinless Saviour confronts man’s sin

In the world’s greatest ever sacrifice.


Here was God’s finest and mankind’s worst

A just and gracious God reaching out to unjust man,

Jesus, the sacrificial lamb and scapegoat:

The instrument that was God’s redemptive plan.


Marred yet such beauty in one and the same

A paradox impossible made possible in Christ,

An extreme miscarriage of justice on the part of man

Shows the supreme love of God in His Son’s sacrifice.


Stewart Russell © July 2018


Saturday, April 29, 2023



51,000+ Smile 3d Pictures


Smile when you are happy

Smile when you are sad

A smile improves the looks

On the only face you’ve ever had


Smile when things go right

Smile when they go wrong

A smile helps your face

Stay sturdy and strong


Smile when confronted

And when in verbal combat

Keep a continence that’s fair

Not loose and slack


11,000+ Smiley Pictures


A smile will do wonders

For the one who applies it

And others will smile back

It’s an infectious habit


A smile brightens up the day

Even when it is raining

It relaxes the face

But a frown leaves it straining


It’s better than any lotion

Or even the best facial cream

For all these without a smile

Makes one’s face a scream


So smile today, smile always

It need not be how you feel

It’ll get better; I’m sure it will

Let nothing your smile conceal




There is always a struggle

Between a smile and a frown

But a frown on one’s face

Gets other people down


So let that smile come

Yes, let it radiate

The world needs every smile

To dissipate the hate


Light up some heart today

With an illuminating smile

And before you know it

There’ll be smiles for each mile


Stewart Russell © February 2018


Friday, April 28, 2023

Nobody and No Body


Nobody" vs. "No Body" in the English Grammar | LanGeek


Easy to spot when written

But not as easy otherwise,

In reading it is the intonation

Unless otherwise disguised.


Text, audio and video:

Three ways in which we present,

By now you know what I mean

We are talking news content.


Nobody and no body

Appear in the news quite often

And they are easier to distinguish

When either one is written.


When the police arrived

There was no body at the scene,

Nobody had any information

Re where the body had been.


Radio and Television Announcers - What do Radio and Television Announcers  do?


Pretend to be an announcer

And read the verse before,

In order to indicate the distinction

Intonation must be at the fore.


Video is just as impossible

If you catch what I really mean,

Try showing nobody or no body

At a murder scene.


“Nobody was at home”

No problem deciphering that

But change it to no body

And you have a case to crack.


So, when you read this poem

Be prepared to intone,

Especially if you are reading aloud

And people are in your zone.


Otherwise it would be confusing

These bodies to differentiate,

Between a nobody and no body

Let there be no mistake.


Even with nobody alone

One must be very careful,

For if the indefinite article goes before

That speaks of certain people.


Nobody" vs. "No Body" in the English Grammar | LanGeek


Nobody, let me quickly state,

Likes being called a nobody

Since a nobody is a type of person

Nobody thinks of seriously.


So, be aware of these nuances

That can at times cause trouble,

Intonation makes a lot of difference

And also, the indefinite article.


Stewart Russell © November 10, 2021


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Moron and Simpleton


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


Moron and Simpleton

Are husband and wife,

You won’t find a more suited couple

In spite of their strife.


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


Last we heard of them

They had locked themselves out,

Neither had a key

So, all they did was shout.


I do not have to tell you

This was to no avail

And the more they beat on the door

The more they failed.


But if you think this was bad

You need to think again

For before you could blink

More trouble came.


They went for a long walk

Far away from home

Whereupon the rain poured down

Soaking them to the bone.


A quarrel broke out

Since only one had an umbrella

And rather than share it

They fretted about the weather.


When they left home

It was sunny he argued

And when she had last checked

No rain was due.


However, she being cautious

Had taken one umbrella

And he being the moron he is

Didn’t carry the other.


You see the rain didn’t set up

Like their troubles usually had

And unlike their quarrels

It wasn’t nearly as bad.


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


“Why did you bring one umbrella

When you know there are two?”

She, not to be outdone hit right back,

“I would have done so if only I knew.”


“But the two were together,”

He shouted right back at her.

“But I did not know I just told you,”

And she refused to concur.


“So many women out there

And I married a simpleton like you!

Why, I would have to be a moron

And a dumb one too.”


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


“But are you hearing yourself

My dear idiotic moron?

One would think you brought an umbrella

And I am the problem.”


moron meme | Cubicle humor, April fool's prank, Workout humor


“So, if I brought an umbrella

Give me yours and use mine

So that we could shelter from the rain

And stop wasting time.”


“But you did not bring an umbrella

And so, I refused to use mine

‘Cause it always gets wet

And yours is dry all the time.”


“Foolish woman, it is an umbrella,

It is made to get wet,

Why else would you walk with yours?

Look, don’t get me vexed!”


Simpleton (Black Text) - Xenoblade - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic


“Well, let’s walk back home

And then we will have two

And we can walk right back here

Both me and you.”


“For once in your lifetime

You’ve come up with a good plan.”

“Well that’s why I am the woman

And you are the man."


As the saying goes,

Women always have the last say

So, she kept her umbrella in its cover

And they both set off on their way.


Stewart Russell © August 31, 2022


Monday, April 24, 2023

Mathematics: A Teaching Problem


Big Ideas Learning's Mathematics Teaching Practices Series: Implementing  Tasks That Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving


“If you have taught

And there is no learning,”

Said a tutor many years ago,

“Then you have not taught.”


I struggled with this

For it did not make sense

And in my view way back then

This tutor had to be dense.


It was one of my early courses

At Erdiston Teachers’ College

And as far as I was concerned,

This was utter garbage.


He was blaming the teacher

For a pupil not learning:

For him, it was a teacher problem:

Transmitting not receiving.


I was young and cocky then

And I would have none of this

For, regarding my teaching prowess,

There was a lengthy list.


I was not only a natural

But I was endowed with passion,

Add to that a love for children

With subsequent flair and fashion.


I’d had a fair bit of success too

With pupils passing exams,

So, this tutor’s nonsensical ideology

I was forced to body-slam.

Apply Now At Erdiston Teachers' Training College | GIS 

He was a mathematics tutor

And his grading was very tough,

After a few assignments results

You knew it was going to be rough.


For that mathematics course

I averaged just C+

And I must truthfully confess

At times I felt almost crushed.


He assured me years later

That I was a very good student

And he took some of the responsibility

For my subsequent achievement.


“If you have taught

And there is no learning,”

This tutor had stated,

“Then you have not taught.”


Back then he was my teacher

And the reason I was distraught,

My not learning was a teacher problem,

Yes!  It was his fault!


C+ was his mental set!

It was not really mine,

He was clearly annoyed with himself

Over a fixation back in time.


I have come a mighty long way

Since those early days

 And slowly but surely

I have mended my ways.


Much experience has been gained

From the exposure I have had

And the truth be told,

The good has eclipsed the bad.


I am retired now,

It is almost twelve years

And I am proving more and more

My greatest fear.


That that tutor was right

I now have no doubts,

One by one, the arguments I held

I have thrown them all out.


Teaching Mathematics Through Problem Solving – Mathematics Methods for  Early Childhood

It’s a teaching problem

That retards pupil-learning

And this is particularly evident

In basic problem solving.


“Expose the pupils

To many and varied problems

And by the time of the examination

They will be able to solve them.”


Sounds good, Yes?

But so very wrong

Yet many teachers’ hold on this

Remains very strong.


“Practise, practise, practise!”

That’s the way some others go

But this too is just as wrong

As one practises what one knows.


Often the foundation is shaky

Or there may be none at all

And so, the scaffolding put in place

Must eventually fall.


The syllabus reigns supreme

At the expense of pupil learning

And it is often covered down

With little understanding.


“Telling” the pupil is optimum

Like the baking of a cake,

"This is what you do next,

Hurry up! It's getting very late!"


Most pupils are asking HOW?

Very few are asking WHY?

And with concept building non-existent,

There is little to apply.


Three basic levels to doing Math:

Skill, comprehension, application,

Problem solving rides on all of these

And is based on investigation.


Concept building is critical

And must never be treated lightly,

It must be informed by models

Either concrete or pictorially.


Much of math is outside

And of an informal nature,

Bench-ridden within the classroom

Is like old-age stricture.


Creative Projects At School Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Mathematical  Symbol, Teacher, Child - iStock


From the intuitive to the concrete,

From the concrete to the semi-concrete,

From the semi-concrete to the abstract,

Not one we should delete.


Then the application should follow

With the communication right behind

And if the student can reflect all this,

How to learn is right on time.


The best learner is a teacher

That communicates what he learns

And with the passion that he derives,

For more learning he will yearn.


Learning is not the target

But how to learn is, instead,

And when the pupil hits the bullseye

We can say he is well-read.


Learning-strategies will develop

Problem solving will be a breeze,

And with less teacher-dependency

Pupils will learn with ease.


Learning is the ‘fish’ one catches,

How to learn is the “how to fish”,

The former is not sustainable,

The latter is the desired wish.


Do not ignore a pupil’s ‘why’

With a “This is the way to do it”,

Instead, encourage intelligent questioning

To make him better equipped.


Teacher, take responsibility

For the learning of every pupil,

Treat each one as your own offspring

And do not suffer in silence.


Encourage pupils to share

Ideas and methodologies,

Utilize their composite brain power

To come up with strategies.


Math Teacher of Course I Have Problems Graphic by TiffsCraftyCreations ·  Creative Fabrica


Assign yourself a mentor

Or, maybe one or two or three,

And with the input from them all

The better you should see.


Mathematics is a teaching problem

And one the teacher must solve,

The student’s learning is the variable

That each teacher must resolve.


Stewart Russell © April 4, 2023


Sunday, April 23, 2023

What Determines What?


Right or Wrong: It Depends


How do you measure

What determines what?

What are the essentials

And what are not?


What is your philosophy

As you live day by day?

Is it based on the Biblical Book?

Is it the Christ-like way?


Many purport

To be grounded in the Bible

But their everyday living

Is not of God’s people.


Media Learning System


So, I ask you again:

What determines what?

What are your essentials

And what are not?


I’d like to introduce to you

Three benchmarks,

And as for me I find these

A good place to start.


The essentials are first!

The Bible is clear on these,

Then there are the non-essentials

And negotiables, if you please.


Three terms of reference

That determine my behavior

As I relate to others

And especially my Saviour.


The Bible Verses på Twitter: "There's no salvation in no one else,for there  is no other name under heaven given among men by w/c we must be saved" / Twitter


Salvation in no other

Than in the Living Word,

He is the Lord, Jesus Christ!

By now you have heard.


Not a prosperity Gospel

Where money is the key

But the salvation of the born-again

For all eternity.


Saved from sin’s morass

Not to be saved in our sin,

Thus, to live an evidential lifestyle

That depicts Christ within.


Following the biblical dictates

As lead by the Holy Spirit,

Honouring God in all things

Must be our daily habit.


Fulfilling the law of Christ

As we help each other

Cognizant that all the born-again

Are sisters and brothers.


Putting God first

As becometh the Christ child

And being witnesses of him

As the Holy Spirit decides.


The foregoing are essentials

According to the Word,

They are not to be negotiated

Or ever deferred.


They transcend denomination

Ethnicity and time

And stand in direct contrast

To today’s immoral slime.


Very unlike non-essentials

With which we are obsessed

And far more critically important

Than our negotiable quest.


Now take your religious beliefs

And classify them if you may,

Ensuring you major on the essentials

And let charity be your way


Athey Creek Christian Fellowship | Essential Doctrines


The essentials determine

What one’s negotiables should be

While non-essentials and negotiables

Are pretty much at sea.


Some, today I am told,

Are all about negotiables,

Everything is up for discussion

And nothing is essential.


There goes a ship

With neither rudder nor oar

And in this mass ocean of humanity

Shipwreck is sure.


What determines what?

Here is that question again,

It matters my brother, my sister,

Essentials don’t change.


Stewart Russell © July 3, 2022