All lives matter…
To God, they certainly do:
White skin, yellow skin
Black skin or blue.
It doesn’t matter the colour
The class or the creed,
All lives matter
So let’s take that lead.
If ever you wish
You are not the oppressed
Then you are spot on
Re the awareness test.
That’s a mouthful, I guess,
Let me try to explain,
If you don’t relish my shoes
You are seeing my pain.
Some things are standard,
Par for any course:
Like human rights and
And justice of course.

If any colour or caste
Is deprived of these,
Then such lives don’t matter,
They are under siege.
If one’s colour is offensive
Then his life doesn’t matter,
Supremacists say deprive him
So we can get fatter.
Not enough room in this world
For both him and me
Unless I can derive some benefit
From his ability.
His life matters to me
As long as I can use him,
Until his usefulness expires
We have no problem.

Slavery still exists today
In all forms and fashion,
Oppression and suppression:
An obvious passion.
It is not easy to relinquish
The ascendancy,
When it comes to the
I’d rather him than me.
I am sure few Whites would
“I wish I were black.”
And if Blacks were white
Neither would they wish that.
It is alarmingly obvious
Which is the lower estate,
It is certainly not the
They are the ones that
I wish the world were a piano
In the following way:
Blacks and Whites would make
The way symphonics play.

Take out the black keys
There’d be no sharps and flats,
Just one major key
And, who would like that?
Only one minor key
If there were whites alone,
Remember, harmony is dependent
On a variety of tones.
God created one race
It is time that we all grasp
Hence, Whites you need to get
You are no better than Blacks.
That all lives matter
Is greater impetus to the
And that should be clear to
Since it is enshrined in the

In the slogan “all lives
There are no racial slurs,
It speaks to harmony and
On this we can concur.
For the time being, however,
Black lives matter,
There are the ones being
Like “John’s head on a platter”.
Stewart Russell © June 2020
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