My God never sleeps
But He is ever awake,
I am forever grateful
For the believer’s sake.
He watches over me
Both night and day
And is ever faithful
Guiding along the way.
His ear is ever tuned
To the believer’s faintest cry
And I can afford to trust Him
And on Him always rely.
In very troubled times
I have no need to fear
For he assures me daily
That He is always here.
Here in my heart and soul
He chooses to reside
And tells me every moment
He is there to abide.

He provides for my every need
And some of wants also
And when He says to me “wait”
I wait because He knows.
At times I go before Him
And He has to rein me in
To remind me of the fact
That I must follow Him.
With my lips I must confess
This is not the easiest part
For I feel I see so clearly
That I want to get a start.
But nothing is hid from Him
And I can’t see very far
But in God’s eternal vision
He can see the farthest star.
The enemy is never pleased
When I am walking close to Him
And tries his very worst
To lure me into sin.
Sometimes he succeeds too
In those times I look away
And with his crafty, cunning plan
Gets me to go astray.

But alas, my Saviour calls me
As a shepherd calls his sheep
And I respond to his wooing
And wake up from my sleep.
He chastens those he loves
With me ‘tis no exception
For in His love He corrects me
To demonstrate His affection.
My God is kind and loving
And His promises are true,
He sent His Son, our Saviour
Who died for me and you.
I will ever love and trust Him
And in His knowledge grow
His grace and mercy helping me
To love both friend and foe.
My God can be your God too
And do the same for you,
That would make us one big family
With heaven as our view.
Full salvation is promised to all
Who repent of all their sin
And who confess Christ as Saviour
Who accepts all that come to him.
Take this moment to contemplate
The state of your precious soul
And if you should find it lacking
Let Jesus make you whole.
Stewart Russell © 2017
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