Sunday, September 29, 2019

Legalizing Madness

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Why do we legalize madness?
Why do we refuse to treat it?
Why do we make the abnormal, normal
Just to support a habit?

Why do we take our standard
From what the animals do
And argue if it’s normal for the animals
It must be normal for us too?

After all, we are higher animals
And should do as they do,
All are entitled to the basest things
Yes, even if it’s a depraved view.

Take for example the argument:
What animals do is natural
And what is natural is normal
It logically follows, therefore, normal must be moral.

Image result for images for the gay penguins

So that since this is a truism
Why then should it not be legal?
If it is natural for the animals
Then it should be moral for all people.

Talking about a quantum leap
Like as in mechanics and physics!
If that is not a leap into space
Then tell me, “What is it?”

So now you see just where we are
Why madness must be legalized!
If this is intellectual thinking
Why should you or I be surprised?

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There is a special logic for fools
And there is one for mad people too,
So that sooner or later and perhaps sooner,
There will be one for any view.

The good Lord created two genders
It was a fairly uncomplicated world,
Now there are over one hundred
Doesn’t anyone think that is absurd?

Following is a test I am giving you
You can do it with your iPhone,
Ask “Siri” how many genders there are
And you’ll see that this madness is full-blown.

Image result for images for ask Siri

Gender is different from when I was young
At present, I am sixty-six years old,
It is now defined as how you feel inside
At least, that is what I’ve been recently told.

So straight up you see the dissonance
I can feel different from what I am,
And if I cannot be entitled to what I feel
Well, I would be better off damned.

There is even a gender for the genderless
Like the “I don’t want to be any gender",
Then there is one for let me change when I please
That one we will call transgender.

The stable door has been opened
And the horse has unapologetically bolted,
The floodgates have released their eager waters
And only a relative few have noted.

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If a poll were to be taken tomorrow
I wonder what the outcome would be,
Somehow I feel we would legalize the madness
Because most of us are too blind to see.

There is a group I especially fear
It is those of the apathetic persuasion,
They could not care one way or another
It is no obstacle to their aspirations.

But then there are those that sympathize
Why can’t a person become what he feels?
Happiness is, after all, life’s objective
That’s one thing we won’t let someone steal.

So the verdict goes to the abnormal
Call it the new normal if you please,
I like to be cheeky and I tease a lot
But please be advised, this poem is not a tease.

Legalizing this madness is where we are headed
Open your eyes and see,
Or else you’ll regret the day you were born
And the two genders that caused you to be.

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A person’s orientation can be anything
For we all live in a fallen world,
In heaven, Lucifer attempted to overthrow God
And at the time, he didn’t think that was absurd.

Stewart Russell © September 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Can You Dig It?

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If I send you for the left shoe
And you bring the left shoe,
Wouldn’t that be the right shoe?

But if I send you for the left shoe
And you bring the right shoe
Then that would be the wrong shoe.

Image result for images for a pair of old shoes
You see the wrong shoe is the right shoe
And the right shoe is the wrong shoe,
A sure case of when wrong is right.

It is like driving in Barbados:
To drive on the left is to be right
There is a possible case of being left dead
If you are on the right.

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Why do people sit on a collapsible chair?
Isn’t that reason enough not to sit on it?
Funny enough they are never marked.

If the house burns down
You may have saved some stuff
But if it burns up nothing might be saved.

It is said that…
The bottom line is that if you work hard
You would likely reach the top.
However, if you don’t
Your top will be someone’s bottom.

If I ask you if the answer is “no” and you say “yes”
Then your “no” is the same as “yes”,
It means for once I can trust your word.

Image result for images for digging a hole
To dig a hole one starts from the top
But to get out of it he starts from the bottom.
If there is no top there is no bottom.

He told the truth when he said he lied
But he lied when he said he told the truth.
Don’t you worry; I have the proof.

People living near a cemetery
 Are never buried therein
But then again neither are those dying elsewhere.

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He was standing at the front of the church
But the evidence was inadmissible.
As to whether he was inside or outside
Either of the two was probable.

If one is coming back now
It would have to be now he is coming back.
So chances are, he will arrive later.

If nowhere is no place
Then how is it possible to get there?
And more particularly to get there by doing nothing.

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There’s one thing I cannot do when I am sleeping.
That is to wake up.
Yet, that is the very thing I am expected to do.

I am especially concerned
When I am not concerned
Since not to be concerned
Gives me a very good reason to be concerned.

Is it possible to do the impossible
When the impossible is not possible?
Yes, only if the impossible is possible
Then God can.

If you get something done
Then it is clear to me you haven’t done it
Since if somebody did it for you
You could not have done it too.

The dead know nothing and we don’t.
If that is true
Then the dead knows something that we don’t.

If the dead knows something that we don’t
Then to know what the dead knows that we don’t
We must die.

Is it worth it?
Knowing nothing, I mean.

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If a problem is a problem before it is solved
What is it after it is solved?
No problem.

If a soldier steps off on the wrong foot
And that is the right foot
Then quite obviously
His left foot would be his right foot.

If his left foot and his right foot
Are one and the same,
Then it logically follows
That he must be a one-foot soldier.

The child was punished for being wrong
Yet he was the right child all along.
It was discovered after he was pointed out
That he was, in fact, the right child.

What is the opposite of an “open-hole”?
I guess you would say a closed-hole.
But could that be correct?
How could it be a hole if it is closed?

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I will finish at this point
And I trust you see the point
For if in fact you haven’t seen the point
Then I would not have made a point.

Stewart Russell © May 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Four Journalistic Accounts

Four men with pens and parchment
Set out to do the Master’s bid,
Moved by the Holy Spirit
Exactly as they were told they did.

Out of this came four pictures
Though of cameras, they had none,
In the Bible, we have the evidence
Of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Two were primary reporters
Of what they had witnessed and seen,
Two were not far from the action
And wrote the account as streamed.

Matthew and John were disciples
And had walked beside the Christ,
They received his teachings firsthand
Without conditions or price.

Mark and Luke were followers
And most likely knew Christ’s disciples
But they all had the Spirit’s guidance
And in such a recording, there is no rival.

Way back in the Old Testament
The accounts were given their themes,
Two prophets had declared them
Long before Christ came on the scene.

These were Isaiah and Zechariah
And they, led by the Spirit of God,
Penned these themes in their books
And preached them to one and all.

They were not completely au fait
With all that these themes had meant
But simply declared the word
As the messengers that God had sent.

In Zechariah chapter 6 verse 9
There we read, “Behold the man”,
This was pertaining to Christ’s advents
And his work re the redemption plan.
The next declaration comes from Isaiah
As recorded in Isaiah 42 verse 1,
Behold my servant” is the theme
700 years before Christ was born.

Zechariah is back: chapter 9 verse 9
Behold your King,” he declares,
“Riding upon a colt the foal of an ass,”
Prophetic of that first Palm Sunday.

The 4th is recorded in Isaiah 40 verse 9
And that theme is, “Behold your God,”
A clear indication of the deity of Christ
And this to all would be spread abroad.

And so with eyes as roving cameras
And ears completely tuned to the Spirit
These four wrote as the Spirit led
Ever conscious of their God-given remit.

Behold Your King

Matthew, though the first as presented,
Is really the second journal penned,
A study of this account would reveal
Jesus the King,” as Zechariah declared then.

As a king, his genealogy was presented
Making him an heir to David’s throne,
Starting at the first verse of Matthew
By verse 16 this is clearly shown.

In Matthew 5 he came to fulfil the law
Regarding its spirit and not its letter,
The liberty to do what is righteous
And not by its rule to be fettered.

Murder was anger for a brother
Adultery was committed in the heart,
Swearing of an oath was forbidden
And to love our enemy we should start.

As a King, he was greater than Moses
And over the Sabbath he was Lord,
He showed his authority over demons
As demonstrated in the Word.

He was much wiser than Solomon
And far greater than Jonah,
At birth and death, he was called a king
And showed his authority over nature.

Behold My Servant

Matthew to Mark was a quantum leap
From king down to “Jesus the Servant”,
No genealogy was required in this case
But key persons were used as a reference.

First a testimonial from John the Baptist
Re: coming after but preferred before
And God Himself was a reference,
Tell me, who could ask for more?

The Holy Spirit testified of him
This occurred at the baptism of John
And Jesus himself said he came to minister
As a reference, he must be accepted as one.

In one encounter with a blind man
He requested of him what to do,
No doubt he knew what the man required
But his was a servant’s point of view.

When questioned regarding the end
He indicated that was in the Father’s hand
He knew quite well a servant’s place
And stuck to the Master’s plan.

Behold The Man


He carried a two-fold nature
Not two natures as some may suggest,
Luke presented him as “Jesus the Man
And as a man, he passed the test.

In Luke there is another genealogy
That goes all the way back to Adam
Luke chapter 3 verses 23 to 38
Definitely shows that he was a man.

He identified with each one of us
He showed complete dependence on God,
Even in the wilderness when tempted
By the sinister devil, that fraud.

In Luke his humanity is prominent
Even from the recording of his birth,
His compassion and sympathy were evident
As he reached out to all the earth.

Once as he stood overlooking Jerusalem
He looked down on the city and wept,
How he longed to gather them to himself
But for him, they had no respect.

His humanity was shown in Gethsemane
In that agonizing session
As he prayed in earnest to his Father,
O how he revealed his human passion!

There his sweat was like drops of blood
As he prayed the more earnestly,
Demonstrating again his humanity
As he previewed his pending agony.

Behold Your God

Matthew, Mark and Luke most may believe
But not John’s account of “Jesus as God”,
A perfect human or the archangel for some
But as God, they would never applaud.

Jesus’ use of I AM incensed the Jews
That claim was reserved for only God,
Such was their anger that they angrily declared
Jesus was a blasphemer, liar and fraud.

Yet John stated in the beginning was the Word
And the Word was God
And that the Word became flesh
John also spread it abroad.

At his arrest, Peter didn’t know the man
Though he had acknowledged him as the Christ,
But Thomas referred to him as Lord and God
When he saw the evidence of his sacrifice.

Jesus had not only come from God Himself
But God Himself who had come,
The Son of God means God Himself
The Son in the Father and the Father in the Son.

Behold a virgin shall be with child
And she shall bring forth a son,
And they shall call his name Emmanuel
Meaning, God Himself, with us has come.

He who has the Father accepts the Son
Along with the Holy Spirit these three-in-one,
God was in Christ reconciling the world
And through the Holy Spirit, the work is done.

Stewart Russell © April 2018