Why do we legalize madness?
Why do we refuse to treat it?
Why do we make the abnormal, normal
Just to support a habit?
Why do we take our standard
From what the animals do
And argue if it’s normal for the animals
It must be normal for us too?
After all, we are higher animals
And should do as they do,
All are entitled to the basest things
Yes, even if it’s a depraved view.
Take for example the argument:
What animals do is natural
And what is natural is normal
It logically follows, therefore, normal must be moral.

So that since this is a truism
Why then should it not be legal?
If it is natural for the animals
Then it should be moral for all people.
Talking about a quantum leap
Like as in mechanics and physics!
If that is not a leap into space
Then tell me, “What is it?”
So now you see just where we are
Why madness must be legalized!
If this is intellectual thinking
Why should you or I be surprised?

There is a special logic for fools
And there is one for mad people too,
So that sooner or later and perhaps sooner,
There will be one for any view.
The good Lord created two genders
It was a fairly uncomplicated world,
Now there are over one hundred
Doesn’t anyone think that is absurd?
Following is a test I am giving you
You can do it with your iPhone,
Ask “Siri” how many genders there are
And you’ll see that this madness is full-blown.

Gender is different from when I was young
At present, I am sixty-six years old,
It is now defined as how you feel inside
At least, that is what I’ve been recently told.
So straight up you see the dissonance
I can feel different from what I am,
And if I cannot be entitled to what I feel
Well, I would be better off damned.
There is even a gender for the genderless
Like the “I don’t want to be any gender",
Then there is one for let me change when I please
That one we will call transgender.
The stable door has been opened
And the horse has unapologetically bolted,
The floodgates have released their eager waters
And only a relative few have noted.

If a poll were to be taken tomorrow
I wonder what the outcome would be,
Somehow I feel we would legalize the madness
Because most of us are too blind to see.
There is a group I especially fear
It is those of the apathetic persuasion,
They could not care one way or another
It is no obstacle to their aspirations.
But then there are those that sympathize
Why can’t a person become what he feels?
Happiness is, after all, life’s objective
That’s one thing we won’t let someone steal.
So the verdict goes to the abnormal
Call it the new normal if you please,
I like to be cheeky and I tease a lot
But please be advised, this poem is not a tease.
Legalizing this madness is where we are headed
Open your eyes and see,
Or else you’ll regret the day you were born
And the two genders that caused you to be.

A person’s orientation can be anything
For we all live in a fallen world,
In heaven, Lucifer attempted to overthrow God
And at the time, he didn’t think that was absurd.
Stewart Russell © September 2019