The writing’s on the wall
Even written across the sky,
World events seem to suggest
That redemption draweth nigh.
Oh, I know you’ll fuss and say
I have heard that all my life,
But I have news for you today,
Note the upward trend of strife.
Things are really heating up
As prophesied in God’s Word;
Evidenced by CNN, BBC and Fox News
Listen my friend: haven’t you heard?
There’s Ebola and the like
So puzzling to the mind,
As Chikungunya plus dengue
Cause our health service to decline.
Earthquakes in numerous places,
Famines and pestilence too,
Wars and mounting skirmishes
As countries emphasise their view.
Again I hear your response,
As you argue that’s nothing new,
But in a moment of honesty
You’d note the speed at which it grew.
For never before, as it is now
These happenings near to home;
Always occurred in far off lands
But certainly not in our zone.
In the Holy Word we read
How things will only get worse,
But cynics laugh and scoff as well
And continue to satisfy their thirsts.
At present, downturn and recession
Have the whole world in its grip,
The more upbeat the forecast
The faster we seem to slip.
International currencies struggle
To maintain their financial edge;
While stock markets teeter-totter
On an unstable economic ledge.
Global warming is on the rise,
The price of progress, perhaps;
As man seeks out new frontiers
And strives to make new contacts.
For somewhere in the universe
There’s a voice other-than-his-own,
Not God’s, he has determined
But beings from another zone.
So as his knowledge increases,
He tries to reach that voice
And one day he truly believes
That he’ll vindicate his choice.
Travel has become commonplace
Across our world and outer space;
And as our technology improves
No doubt we’ll make greater haste.
Meanwhile there’s moral decay
As the family takes a broadside hit;
Two daddies or two mummies
Were never meant to be a family unit.
Persons of great intelligence demand
That sexual preference be respected;
An admission of the Creator’s own design
Is the fact that they’ve rejected.
With the prevalence of our space travel
Speaks to the coming of our Lord,
In Whose Book it’s easily unraveled.
And so, as we look all around us
And see the happenings of the times,
Don’t get flustered and become shy
For our redemption draweth nigh!
Try not to guess the day or hour
Or, like the cynics, laugh and deny,
For in a moment that you think not,
Our redemption draweth nigh!
Now as the Spirit continues to strive
Do no longer the Lord deny;
Any day now He will arrive
For our redemption draweth nigh.

Stewart Russell © 2014