Would you defrock a Bishop
For wearing a frock?
Would you disable a croc
With a piece of crock?
Could we get wet with water
That was not wet
And why take your robotic snake
To the village vet?
Is there any correction
For a topsy-turvy world?
If so, to which insane head-shrinker
Could it be referred?
Funny, these questions
That I am asking you
For the lines are so blurred
Few have a clear view.
Gay is not merry
And straight means not gay
And funny as we used to know,
Has come a long way.
Cause funny isn’t funny
As we knew back then
And it’s no laughing matter now;
It’s a huge problem.
Could a lie be a lie
At the same time it’s true?
And if this could ever happen
What could we do?
We’d have to believe it
And doubt it at the same time
And thus, nobody would feel
We are out of our mind.
Funny where we are
And how far we have come
To believe the total nonsense
That once was dumb.
The brighter we get
It seems the dumber we are
And we are missing the mark,
Not narrowly but by far.
Do you see what I mean
By this topic funny?
Now, if it is your idea of a joke
It’s not so for me.
Stewart Russell © September 18, 2024