I have a favourite movie
That has no name,
I like it so much
I watch it again and again.
I especially like
The parts of high suspense
And having watched it many times
I still feel tense.
It’s like, one of these times
He is not going to make it,
Leaving it for the last minute
Has become his habit.
Of course, as you know,
This has to be the star
And compared to the movie’s star.
None else is on par.
He is speeding along
And you expect him to crash
But with a twist and a turn
He is through in a flash.
Or, he goes into a town
And buts up on a fast gun
And the slower lies in the dust
When the dual is done.
And you constantly wonder
Why he wins every time
Notwithstanding that this movie
Is inscribed on your mind.
It’s my favourite movie
Though they’re others I like more
Yet every time I watch it,
Something new is in store.
Did that verse escape you?
Well, I would not be surprised,
That it also puzzles me
Cannot be denied.
Another thing that I like
About my favourite movie
Is how the star of this show
Is so immensely tricky.
He hides in the same location
Each and every time
And though his enemies get close
Him they can never find.
Every time I watch it
I expect a different outcome
But it is the same old, same old
When the movie is done.
No doubt you would ask me,
Why watch it so many times?
After all, it is my favourite movie,
It’s always on my mind.
This guy went to the cinema
At least twice a day,
He went to watch the same movie
Whenever it would play.
Like me, he really liked it
Or, maybe he didn’t at all,
But he went back each and every time
Hoping the building would fall.
The movie showed a building
Leaning precariously
And just when it seemed it would fall
The scene changed suddenly.
He knew should it fall
There would be action galore
So, like me, he always went back
Hoping for more.
My wife will watch a series
Over and over again
And it seems every time she feels
The same excitement and pain.
In my favourite movie
The movie star always wins,
Oh, how I wish life was like this
And not so grim!
That I could win every time
Just like my movie star
But I guess that is rather far-fetched-
Life is not on par.
Stewart Russell © June 9, 2023