Saturday, August 24, 2024

Where’s the Alternative?


Global Government Forum launches Caribbean Digital Summit to catalyse  government transformation


Is there an alternative

To the present Government?

Please pardon my ignorance

For if so, I repent.


I am hearing the call

For an imminent change

As though elections were tomorrow

Or could be so arranged.


I’m definitely not happy

With the BLP’s stewardship

But the DLP is surely not ready,

Not the slightest bit.


The best we can hope for

Is that they win some seats

For only the insane would want

Another 30-nil defeat.


Such unanimous mandates

Is whole sale madness

And I want all Barbadians to hear:

No more and no less.


 2018 Barbadian general election - Wikipedia


First time we were angry

With the D's performance

But the B's did nothing spectacular

In their own defense.


The blunders were many

Followed up by arrogance

And there was absolutely no trace

Of genuine repentance.


Only a God-given right

To do as they all like

And considered any repercussions

To be ignorant and trite.


But where’s the alternative

I must reiterate

Though ever since the last election

We are in a worse state.


The PM saw it necessary

To call a knee-jerk election

In the midst of the COVID pandemic

Amidst all objection.


Three and a half years in

To correct a ten-year mess!

In essence their words, not mine,

But we let it rest.


2022 Barbadian general election - Wikipedia 


And rewarded her again

With another 30-nil mandate

Demonstrating, lessons not learned,

Do not alter one’s state.


And so, we remain stuck

Like the proverbial top-in-mud

Repeatedly ineffectively regurgitating

Like a cow chewing its cud.


The only difference being,

This benefits the cow

But unless we’re of that bovine species

It benefits us nohow.


I heard a former PM

Regarding the DLP’s plight

And I must assuredly confess

That he was right.


Stuart critiques govt, urges party to refocus on 'human' development -  Barbados Today


They must assert themselves

And return to their roots,

Eight “P” principles he gave them

Concerning the DLP’s truth.


Starting with power

He ended with projection

And he wrapped them neatly up

In the party’s self-assertion.


The party has done well,

It can rise from the dust

But must soar above egotistical strife

And its attendant lust.


Let me however end this

Exactly as I started out

And I dare say that I am doing this

For those still in doubt.


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Is there an alternative

To the present Government?

Please pardon my ignorance

For if so, I repent.


Stewart Russell © August 24, 2024


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