Thursday, August 01, 2024

An Obituary


Hurricane Beryl Update for July 1, 2024 - YouTube


We’re happy to announce

The passing of July,

Next door to June and August,

Also known as standby.


Too soon had ended

And her cue was standby

But she went beyond her duty

Did little Miss July.


She’ll be remembered

Just like September

For she robbed in her sojourn

Both native and stranger.


She toured the Islands

Of the pristine Caribbean

And left her indelible print

On many a scene.


Up to Houston she went

And had a grand time

Proud to show all and sundry

She was a July of a kind.


UPDATE: Hurricane Beryl Earliest Category 4 Hurricane on Record in the  Atlantic Ocean - Space Coast Daily


Pardon me, I mixed up

Poor July with Beryl,

They will both be remembered

For their horrible peril.


July passed away

Exactly 12 this morning

And by very special request

There’ll be no mourning.


Her daughter, Beryl

Will also be interred

And while we’d like to forget them

They’ll be remembered.


No mourning colours

By special request

And thank God, despite Beryl,

We are still blessed.


Do all you can

To help those in need

As these months are passing

With ferocious speed.


Stewart Russell © August 1, 2024


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