Friday, August 23, 2024

It’s Coming!


Looking to the sky for better tsunami warnings | PreventionWeb


What is coming?

A tsunami is coming,

The signs are all around

And it is building.


We’ve had earthquakes

In diverse places

The cracks are opening

Myriad traces.


It’s the hurricane season

This is true

But something else is coming

That will affect me and you.


It will touch our families

And affect our trade,

It will come down on us

Like a police raid.


We will be stunned

For ignoring the warnings,

Believe you me

A tsunami is coming. 

 Looking to the sky for better tsunami warnings | PreventionWeb


It’s coming I tell you,

It’s the way with the world,

Decreasing commonsense,

We’re becoming absurd.


Folly in plain sight

But hidden still

To all them who are blinded

To Almighty God’s will.


A put down of Creation

And behaving like gods,

Mocking born again believers

And obstructing the called.


Governments succumbing,

Some leading the way

And many are being forced

To go astray…


Astray from God

And what His word teaches,

Satan siphoning off their sense

Like blood-sucking leeches.


Good exchanged for evil

And evil declared good,

Leaders promoting immorality

Not doing as they should.


 Looking to the sky for better tsunami warnings | PreventionWeb


A tsunami is coming

Whether or not you believe,

Immorality is on the rise

And morality recedes.


Sharks are in the water

And so too are killer whales,

This tsunami forecast

Is not likely to fail.


It has already inundated

Many a land

And Satan and his minions

Are operating to plan.


Signs of the last days?

Not one of us knows

But know this most assuredly

There will be lots of woes.


Minority groups will grow

At an alarming rate

And will be by legislation

Passed for their sake.


Countries will be sanctioned

Unless they agree

To join the ranks of those

Pushing immorality.


The natural will give way

To the unnatural of course

And birthrates will decrease

As though hit by a curse.


Two of the same

Will take another’s child

Unable to produce their own

Having become defiled.


 Looking to the sky for better tsunami warnings | PreventionWeb


A tsunami is coming

Unlike any we have known

And it is forecast to affect

Every political zone.


Our children will suffer

As it floods our classrooms

And churches will seem helpless

As immorality booms.


Family will be different

From Creation’s template,

Two of the same will be parents

As the law will dictate.


Pedophilia may rise

As children have more say

And mutilation of their bodies

May become the way.


They will get to say

What they feel to become

Concerning gender assignment

Be it daughter or son.


And if perchance, undecided

Regarding daughter or son

They can become gender neutral

And choose none.


It’s a pretty dim picture

This tsunami paints

As it complements these genders

With queers especially quaint.


A tsunami is coming

And it is imminent, not far

When life and living as we know it

Will be considerably marred.


Then it will be an offence

To call a boy a boy,

A girl may be something else

As she redeploys.


Become well acquainted

Or fall into the trap

That is labeled misappropriation

Where non-fact is fact.


It’s coming

And it is almost here,

A tsunami, I am telling you

And we need to fear.


Hopefully we will stand

On Christ the solid Rock

For all the walls of human effort

Will be meaningless props.


Stewart Russell © July 30, 2023


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