Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Free Speech

 Free speech: is it actually a good thing? - Vox


What really is free speech

And should it be limited

And why shouldn’t laws be passed

To render it uninhibited?


And would it be free speech

If it is sorely limited

Rather than allow for free venting

And be uninhibited?


Petition · Amend the Barbados Cybercrime Bill 2024 & Remove the risk of  human rights violation - Barbados · Change.org


Take our cybercrime bill

Or should I say law

For I become rather confused

And my thinking is flawed.


It’s amazing these two:

Law and flawed

And how they are thrown together

When talking Law.


Like occurring lately

In the many discussions

Among our top legal luminaries

Re their summations.


Cybercrime Penalties Explained | Cybercrime Defense Lawyer


Some: a perfect law

Others: riddled with flaws

To protect the upper echelons

A.k.a. the big boys.


What really is free speech

If not to speak freely

About the wrongs and injustices

One experiences daily.


Of course, no name calling

In the public domain

For if it be certain political figures

There must be no name.


If it be a small fry

Name calling is all right

For such wouldn’t have the resources

To protect his or her rights.


Free speech: is it actually a good thing? - Vox


Free speech is not free

And can be rather costly

Even when the truth has been spoken

Or aired publicly.


Regarding free speech,

Who determines the what:

The what that we can make public

And the what we cannot?


At the end of the day,

Is free speech really free

Or is it like so-called democracy:

Just illusory?


Stewart Russell © August 11, 2024


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