Monday, August 12, 2024

Best Bible Study Ever


Road to Emmaus


They moan and they groan

Under the yoke of Rome,

Their hopes have taken a dash.


Now they walk in despair

In their stark reality of fear,

What an unforgettable lash!


They thought he was the one

From that very dawn

But clearly that was not to be.


Now lost and down trodden

And gravely grief-stricken

Only hopelessness they see.


Then comes this stranger

Oblivious to their pain

And along with them he walks.


Then suddenly it’s brighter

And their load becomes lighter

As they listen to him talk.


There were Cleopas

And the other unnamed

In the best Bible study ever.


It was the Word himself

Sharing the Word himself;

That was extraordinarily clever!


Exodus 17:1-16 ~ Moses held up his hand - Scripture for Today


And beginning at Moses

And all of all the prophets

He showed they all spoke about him.


Their hearts burned within them

Seeing that their hope was alive;

Their eyes were no longer dim.


They constrained him to remain

And he did for a while,

Together they sat at meat.


He took bread and blessed it

And gave them to eat;

The fellowship was so sweet!


Show Us the Path of Life - St John Paul II Catholic Church


Bible study par excellence

And breaking of bread too

For two on the Emmaus Road.


The best Bible study ever

Was by the Word himself;

He bore those disciples’ load.


He will do the same

If you ask him too,

He is just waiting for you to ask.


Call on him now,

As he is passing your way;

All you have to do is ask.


Stewart Russell © May 2, 2021



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