Whose Science


Primordial soup that cooks itself | Nature Chemistry


If there was a beginning

How did life begin?

Was it the Genesis account?

Or, was it Darwin's?


Einstein and Darwin: A tale of two theories


Origin of the species

Which ones did Darwin mean?

By means of natural selection

That was the Darwinian theme.


I could dig natural selection

As a part of an ongoing process

But to explain life’s beginning

That is abject foolishness.


It’s another “out of nothing”

Emerging something

And for many erudite persons

This is their beginning.


I find it hugely amusing

That top of the world scientists

After all their experimentation

Genesis creation they dismiss.


It is unscholarly, they say,

And does not make scientific sense

And should anyone believe otherwise,

They consider that an offense.


So you can well imagine

How they view contemporaries

When they develop commonsense

And frown on Darwin’s theories.


Primordial soup that cooks itself | Nature Chemistry


The “primordial soup” was an idea

Hatched by two gentlemen

Given a billion years or so

Such could not be a problem


Several experiments were done

To test the soup’s possibility

And every single negative

Just gave it greater authenticity.


Barbadians have a saying

That goat dung can roll up a hill,

It doesn’t matter if it’s impossible

Some would believe it still.


What has become of that soup?

Maybe it was replaced,

Perhaps by a more popular one

That’s more amenable to taste.


In the Beginning | Pastor John Keller


 I cannot help but insist

The Genesis account is better,

It’s time that we accept it

And reject the scientific trendsetters.


Like Darwin and the many others

They are about making a name,

And winning a Nobel Prize

Appears to be their little game.


They, even though mortal,

Will live on through their name

And by some scientific discovery

They will be forever acclaimed.


Charles Darwin is a case in point

Though over a century he is gone,

In hundreds of books in our libraries

His name lives on and on.


His account is scholarly

Though without scientific sense

But in the beginning, first-cause, God,

Is considered the offense. 



So whose science will you believe?

Darwin’s or Almighty God’s?

God is the author of true science

But Satan is the ultimate fraud.


A fraud’s purpose is to deceive

From such a one run away full speed,

Satan’s is a world of make believe

He has nothing that you need.


Stewart Russell © August 2019


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