

Free photo: Smiley thinking - Cartoon, Clipart, Furniture - Free ...
If you saw it at the first
You’d know what it should be,
If you didn’t and you are honest
By now you should see.

I am just asking that you think-
The “n”, and not the “m”
As you read this little note
That I am about to send.

It’s one of those times again
When I have writer’s block,
I sense a need that I should write
But in my mind is not a lot.

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I am pushing myself to think
Hence, the title of this poem,
If you saw the “m” up there
You know my problem.

I recall a certain math class
When I was still at school,
On the board a teacher wrote “Thimk”
And I thought that was so cool.

I was one of the first to see it
And I drew it to his attention
Whereupon he changed the “m”
And replaced in with an “n”.

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That day I felt very smart
But that was where it stopped,
As you and I very well know
Mathematics is not my slot.

Yes, I heard that “What!”
And I heard that gasp,
I notice I had fooled you too
But that will soon pass.
I know very little math
But what I know I teach well,
My spelling is not that great either
But I guess you can tell.

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I trust you have thought out
What I am trying to say,
Whatever you can do,
Do it in the best way.

If it is correcting people
Simply do it in love,
Just like our Heavenly Father
That lives above.

Don’t ever be boastful
Or be proud of heart,
This is not a good course to charter
So, don’t you even start.
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Instead “think” as you go along,
It’s like thinking on your feet
And if the “m” crops up
Just strike delete.

This is a simple poem,
In which I have not said a lot
But if you saw “think” when it was “thimk”
Then you too had a block.

Stewart Russell © April 2020

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