Wednesday, January 29, 2020

No Lot o’ Long Talk


“Did God really say?”
What an introduction!
And with that, Eve’s brain-gears
Spun into action

God had spoken clearly
Eve had clearly understood
But that wily serpent, the devil,
Got under Eve’s hood.

“Did God really say that?
I wonder why would He,
Considering the fact
That it is He who made the tree?

“Why would He, pray tell me,
In this beautiful garden put a tree
And then instruct you and Adam
To see and don’t see?

It doesn’t make sense to me
And it doesn’t sound like God,
Unless of course...”
More doubt injected the fraud.

“Unless of course... of course
He wants to toy with you.
Why else would he tell you, don’t
And then put the tree in plain view?

I will tell you something
It will do you well to believe.
God is hiding something from you
That He has and you don’t, Eve.

God knows if you eat of that tree
You will become like God.”
You see, Satan had tried it and failed
But after all he is the Fraud.

If only Eve had known
What Satan knew,
She would have obeyed God
But she hadn’t a clue.

Why didn’t God warned her
About this subtle creature?
Surely it would have helped
If she had seen the whole picture.

But God held back information
That was important to Eve
And the devil capitalized on it
And Eve was deceived.

So, the devil outsmarted God
To the detriment of Eve
And then God punished Eve
After she was deceived.

So God must take the blame
For Eve’s mistake
Even though the news Satan brought
Was the kind they call fake.

We made the same blunder
Maybe even today,
God gave us an instruction
And we disobeyed.

Next we blamed God
For the trouble that came
And accused the Holy Spirit
For not playing our game.

Eve was given a clear directive
She should have obeyed
But like us, she spent time with Satan
Day after day.

Which brings me to the point
That I really want to make,
That we throw words at God
But the devil we won’t forsake.

Our conversations with the devil
Originate in our heart
And while we give God lip honor
We never bid Satan depart.
The heart is the principal thing
When we talk to God
But more often than not,
That’s how we engage the Fraud.

Eve spent too much time
Talking to him
And with that came
The all embracing sin.

It is not for us to understand why
When God gives a directive
 But obey it to the letter
And let it be instructive.

Satan does what he has to do
Because he has limited time,
And he is not as smart as you think
For his tricks are one of a kind.

It’s the same old trick he put to Eve
It’s getting us to doubt
But we need to put him in his place
By simply saying, “Get out!”

Get out of my conversations!
Get out of my life!
Get of my home
And away with your strife!

Get out of our schools
And out of our churches too!
Jesus is our Saviour
And there’s nothing you can do.

 No lot o’ long talk
Neither from the lips nor the heart,
And when you get tired saying, “Get out!”
Just simply say, “Depart!”

Stewart Russell © October 2019

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Our Best Option

Have you ever asked a question
That no one answered?
Did you decide there and then
It’d be better to have it cancelled?

Why, after all if no one can answer
Would it not be better
To forget the question
And just do not bother?

Have you ever answered a question
That no one asked?
Did you decide there and then
That was an easy task?

Questions without answers
And answers without questions,
We have all gone mad
What’s the next option?

It is simple, though, if you see what I mean,
We live in a mad, mad world.
So don’t be surprised by verses one and three
It is likely to get more absurd.

A question could be asked
Or a question could be implied
Such that, in this mad, mad world
You may have to decide,

The eyes may say it
And such may implied your task,
Hence you may very well answer a question
That was never really asked.
I have seen parents do it
To their children before they asked
Especially when the answer was a no
To whatever the task.

The child might reply,
To which the parent responds
So you have already grasped.”

Like the sign that says, don’t bother to ask
The answer is going to be no,
We will both have a pleasant day
If you don’t bother to stop but go.

More questions than answers
You must have heard the song,
But that was long ago
These days that assertion is wrong.

For non-existing problems
And feel quite smug with ourselves
Especially when we solve them.

Like the gender issue for example
Which was not a problem
But we created a bank of genders
Well, that should solve them.

An answer bank has been established
With answers of all kinds,
The questions will come later

Meanwhile we have questions
To which we can’t find answers,
I guess in light of this established bank
These questions will be cancelled.

For a bank of future answers
Cannot address the present questions
So I must ask this question again,
What is the next option?

There is a book with all the answers
But very dissimilar to this bank,
Do not think I am being facetious
This is seriously not a prank.

The Bible has all of the answers
Its author anticipated our questions,
He knows the end from the beginning
Herein lies our best option.
He offers an open invitation
Bring your questions and come,
There’s not a question He can’t answer
And He answers through His Son.

Jesus is God’s begotten Son
In whom we have access,
And together with the Holy Spirit
This option is the best.

Stewart Russell © October 2019

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

I Saw My Father

Unworthy of God's Love: In Remembrance of an Icon

I saw my father
I know it was he,
I was lying on the floor
And he was standing over me.

The interesting thing, though,
It was no concrete floor,
It was wood all through
And he was near the door.

It wasn’t no dream
‘Cause I wasn’t asleep,
Please shut your mouth
And let me speak.

Unworthy of God's Love: In Remembrance of an Icon

Of course I was surprised
And you would know why
Since this is ten years
That my father had died.

I was at the morgue
When he came out the fridge,
And also at the burial
Which was at Coral Ridge.

So please don’t remind me
That my father had died
For this is the very reason
That I was surprised.

I tell you it wasn’t a dream
You think I foolish or what?
It was my experience
I was there and you were not.

That’s the problem with people
That were not at an event,
You relate it to them
And your story they resent.

Sorry about that distraction
Let me continue,
Please do not interrupt me
To give your view.
Now where was I?
Let me recall,
I was lying on the floor
But that wasn’t all.

All of a sudden,
Faster than lightning,
He drew this belt from nowhere
To start a beating.

This is no lie
I am telling the truth,
I even got a wale on my hand
I can show you as proof.

I scrambled off the floor
And started to run,
It is then I remembered
To do that was dumb.

My brother tried it before
And he got more licks,
Back then he did not realize
My father was so quick.

So I froze right there
And took every lash,
My brother thought he was Bolt
But my father was Flash.

Just three lashes he gave me
As a matter of fact, four,
The ones on the hand
Only counted for more.

I dared to ask him
What the lashes were for
So he drew the belt again
For such he abhorred.

I quickly apologized
And withdrew the question
Whereupon he disappeared,
I don’t know which direction.

Unworthy of God's Love: In Remembrance of an Icon

Yes, I saw my father
And it wasn’t a dream,
I felt every lash
Though I didn’t scream.

That was also a “no-no”
We weren’t allowed to scream,
That would be disrespect
Bordering on the obscene.

My experience is finished
You can talk all you like,
 Just one thing though,
It was in the day, not in the night.

Nobody believes me
I find it hard to believe me too
But I saw my father
And that is why I do.

They say, “seeing is believing”
And I believe what I see,
I saw my father
Just like you are seeing me.

The only thing that baffles me
Is his disappearing act
But if I did not see him,
He couldn’t disappear like that.

That should satisfy you
That what I tell you is fact
But if you don’t this time
You will when he comes back.

Stewart Russell © September 2019