Friday, January 03, 2020

Take Refuge Until Menace Parts

Having storms you cannot handle?
Take refuge until menace parts,
Don’t stress yourself hitting back
It is likely to destroy your heart.

Made a bad choice and now regret it?
Take refuge until menace parts,
It is better to seek safe shelter
Than expose yourself to the menace’s darts.

Experiencing nightmares day and night?
Take refuge until menace parts,
For when the menace goes
You shall soar like the lark.

Time is dragging on and life is drear?
Take refuge until menace parts,
It won’t last forever, you can be sure,
The end always comes after the start.

Ordered an apple but received a peach?
Take refuge until menace parts,
The blindness will disappear
Once the light has dispelled the dark.

Topsy-turvy world more down than up
Take refuge until menace parts,
It is time to think of your safety
When you see the first lightning-spark.

Now wondering when it really changed
What once used to be a stroll in the park?
Now is not the time for reminiscing
Take refuge until menace parts.

Take refuge until menace parts
Next time use your brain and not your heart,
Keep your eyes open; be on the alert,
Don’t wait for tomorrow to make a start.

Take refuge until menace parts
This is a timely message for today,
It is what it is, I often say,
Hence, when it happens you can’t keep it at bay.

If I had known is often had known,
Since it had been known from the start,
So all you can do until the season is passed is,
Take Refuge Until Menace Parts.

Stewart Russell (c) December 2019

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