Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What Bud Get

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Bud Get in the news
Bud Get in me head
All I hearing is Bud Get
Bud Get heavy as lead

Bud Get came down Tuesday
In the mid-afternoon
And when Bud Get finished
There was no election boom

Bud Get increased taxes
Bud Get more to sob
Bud Get reduced earnings
But at least he got a job

No lay-off Bud Get
Like many people expect
Bud Get still working
He didn’t get reject

Bud Get increased social tax
For the social services
An increase of eight percent
One of the biggest increases

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Bud Get to rake in millions
To balance the deficit
Bud Get to raise over half billion
To get the country out a fix

Bud Get praise by some
Bud Get criticize by others
Bud Get all kind of reviews
And some didn’t even bother

Bud Get a divestment
Of a certain large hotel
But Bud Get an investment
That should do us well

Bud Get increased fuel taxes
On diesel and gasoline
More to pay at the pump
A struggle to swim up stream

Bud Get to raise the cost of living
To tweak the foreign reserves
Bud Get credit card horrors
Lifestyle on a downward curve

Bud Get disappointed many
Bud Get surprised a few
But when Bud Get looks back later
He would be happy the economy grew

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For that is Bud Get’s mission
To get out of this hole
So in order to fulfil this mission
Bud Get to be bold

What you get Bud Get
And what Bud Get you get
Waistline must reduce
To tighten your belt

Bud Get to sacrifice
Bud Get to sustain
An economy in dire straits
From going down the drain

Bud Get to change lifestyle
Bud Get to adapt
Bud Get to cut and contrive
And build a stronger back

Bud Get to spend less
And Bud Get to prioritize
Bud Get to improve the outlook
With this useful exercise

I don’t envy Bud Get
Neither am I enthralled
Bud Get a lot
But thank God he didn’t take all

Bud Get in my bones
Bud get all through me
More Bud Get before elections?
We will wait and see

Stewart Russell © May, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I Have A Voice

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I have a voice
It was given to me
By God the Creator
 The Almighty

It articulates my opinion
And expresses my choice
It gives vent to my feelings
Thank God for my voice

It breaks forth in melodies
And praises to God
It declares His word
And his wonders laud

It explodes in anger
When I am provoked
But calms a friend
Finding it difficult to cope

It is sometimes still
With nothing to say
Then it proclaims loudly
That God is the way

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It gives expression
To so many facets
Social and Spiritual
And many other aspects

It can be soft
Or it can be loud
And sometimes what it says
Doesn’t make me proud

It can be hurtful
In its discourse
And has to be restrained
With much needed force

It is expressed in words
That cut and sting
Or in a song
That soothes when I sing

I can use it for evil
Or I can use it for good
I dare say
For the latter I really should

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I have a responsibility
When using my voice
To make sure always
I make the right choice

Using it to bless others
And honouring the Lord
Telling of his goodness
And proclaiming his word

Using it to witness
To a world that is lost
Of the Saviour’s love
Expressed on the cross

Of his death and burial
And his resurrection too
And the hope it holds
For me and for you

Announcing his coming
With an assured voice
Convincing the world
To make him their choice

I have a voice
And with it I pray
Lord use this voice
As a blessing today

Stewart Russell © April, 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

My Prayer: Shaping the World I Touch

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Lord, help me this day
In your own unmistakable way
To do all you would have me to do
And say only what you would have me say.

As I live each and every day
Shape me, O Lord, I pray
That I may shape the world I touch
In your own compassionate way.

May my purpose be your plan
May my proximity be your will
And may my personal touch be your design
As my entire being your Holy Spirit fill.

Lord, even as you were touched
By the feelings of my infirmity
May my touch also be one of compassion
As I relate to all in my proximity

Thank you Lord for my proximity
Thank you Lord for my personal touch
Thank you Lord for your purpose
Knowing that what you ask is never too much.

Stewart Russell © April 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

My God

God Watches Over Us –
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My God never sleeps
But He is ever awake,
I am forever grateful
For the believer’s sake.

He watches over me
Both night and day
And is ever faithful
Guiding along the way.

His ear is ever tuned
To the believer’s faintest cry
And I can afford to trust Him
And on Him always rely.

In very troubled times
I have no need to fear
For he assures me daily
That He is always here.

Here in my heart and soul
He chooses to reside
And tells me every moment
He is there to abide.
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He provides for my every need
And some of wants also
And when He says to me “wait”
I wait because He knows.

At times I go before Him
And He has to rein me in
To remind me of the fact
That I must follow Him.

With my lips I must confess
This is not the easiest part
For I feel I see so clearly
That I want to get a start.

But nothing is hid from Him
And I can’t see very far
But in God’s eternal vision
He can see the farthest star.

The enemy is never pleased
When I am walking close to Him
And tries his very worst
To lure me into sin.

Sometimes he succeeds too
In those times I look away
And with his crafty, cunning plan
Gets me to go astray.

But alas, my Saviour calls me
As a shepherd calls his sheep
And I respond to his wooing
And wake up from my sleep.

He chastens those he loves
With me ‘tis no exception
For in His love He corrects me
To demonstrate His affection.

My God is kind and loving
And His promises are true,
He sent His Son, our Saviour
Who died for me and you.

I will ever love and trust Him
And in His knowledge grow
His grace and mercy helping me
To love both friend and foe.

My God can be your God too
And do the same for you,
That would make us one big family
With heaven as our view.

Full salvation is promised to all
Who repent of all their sin
And who confess Christ as Saviour
Who accepts all that come to him.

Take this moment to contemplate
The state of your precious soul
And if you should find it lacking
Let Jesus make you whole.

Stewart Russell © 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Salvation in No Other

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Some people set store by a given day
Some in an organization or denomination,
Some in a church movement or association,
Some by some creed or by indoctrination.

Some may put trust in the Pope
Or in some other very illustrious apostle,
Some prefer their prophets and religious gurus
While others just want to be someone’s disciple.

Some pull passages from the Bible
And upon these will build their doctrine,
Some will make the Bible secondary
And then set store by what is in the discipline.

Some believe it’s in what they do and say
While some trust in their tithe and giving,
Some hold up their self-righteous acts
As though salvation results from one’s living.

A myriad of qualifications are proffered
Concerning the obtaining of salvation
And for some only a minuscule selection
Will avoid the fires of damnation.

Little is said about the Christ of Calvary
And the price he paid for sin
And when mentioned it is so very erroneous
As though everybody will just be gathered in.

Sin is played down on every hand
And sermons about hell not often heard,
God sent Jesus to die for the world
So all and sundry will get to see the Lord.

It is true that all will get to see the Lord
But not in the way that some believe
For some he will be their Saviour
But others his fierce judgment will receive.

You see the path is marked out in blood
The shed blood of the glorious Christ
And only those who come by way of the cross
Will benefit from the Saviour’s sacrifice.

It is not in Mohammed, Buddha or Haile Selassei
In Judaism, Islam or even Christianity,
It is not in Hinduism, Sikhism or Animism
But only through Jesus who is from eternity.

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For God so loved the world, the Bible says
That He gave His only begotten Son
And it’s only by the precious blood of Jesus
That a penitent sinner can be won.

And so the Bible makes it crystal clear
That there is salvation in no other,
Jesus is the only name given under heaven
And to trust any other would be a bother.

So if you should hear his voice this day
I entreat you to harden not your heart
For in the coming day of judgment
You do not want to hear “from me depart”.

To all those who believe that for them
It is adherence to some religious guru,
Remember it this same Jesus you will face
And your religious guru will do so too.

He for himself and you for you
For none can stand in another’s place
When the Judge of Heaven sits in His court
And all stand before His face.

The one question I am sure he will ask
Will not be how well you have lived your life
But whether or not you had trusted in him
To deliver you out of sin’s strife.

At that point any other would be a waste
Of your time, your effort and your plea,
For the truth of the matter will come to light
That Jesus is the only Saviour for you and me.

No other name I say
No other name I repeat
Whereby a man can be saved
For all others spell defeat.

Stewart Russell © 2017