Another Version

Dead first': Why American men are men more likely than Canadians,  Australians and Brits to die prematurely - Genetic Literacy Project


Death is treatable

Both spiritual and physical,

Different from my first version

And far more reasonable.


The first was physical

And seemed void of sense,

This one is spiritual and physical

And needs no defense.


Technology is premise #1

Re medical exploration,

The Holy Spirit is premise #2

Re spiritual evaluation.


“If a man die,” asked Job,

“Shall he live again?”

John 11 supplies the answer

It’s yes, in Jesus’ name.


Jesus is the resurrection

And Jesus is the life

And though I die, yet shall I live,

Based on my belief in Christ.


Your Daily Bible Verses — John 11:25-26 — Integrated Catholic Life™


So yes, death is treatable

If one dies in Christ,

Jesus Christ gives the guarantee

That one has eternal life.


As a matter of fact

The born-again never dies

And though I do not grasp it all,

Whom am I to deny?


All who were dead

In their trespasses and sins

Hath the Lord Jesus quickened

To forever live with him.


These are the born-again

That believe in Christ Jesus,

Having come to him in simple faith

As was told to Nicodemus.


Such a vast difference

From version # 1

In which skepticism is rife

And all hope is gone.


What Does Colossians 1:18 Mean?


Not so with Christ

Who rose from the dead

And ever lives in the heavenlies

As our righteous head.


For Christ died once

That we may live forever,

For he is the way and the life

And there is not another.


Compare then, if you will,

If compare is applicable,

These two versions of treating death-

Which one is reasonable?


Clearly version #2

In which one is our hope,

For surely a promise after this life

Gives every reason to cope.


If this life were all

We would be most miserable,

But not so for the born-again

Who are God’s people.


Revelation 21:3 #1218 

In Revelation 21 we read,

“And they shall be his people”

And so, for me version #2

Is far more delightful.


Death is treatable

Says the Lord Jesus Christ,

From afar Job saw the answer

In Christ’s sacrifice.


“My redeemer lives,”

Of this he had no doubt,

And Job knew he too would live

Even if death took him out.


Job 19:25-27

For I know

That my redeemer lives,

And that he shall stand at the latter day

Upon the earth:

And though after my skin

Worms destroy this body,

Yet in my flesh shall I see God:

Whom I shall see for myself,

And mine eyes shall behold,

And not another.


Stewart Russell © October 10, 2023



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