Sunday, August 11, 2024

It’s A New Day


It's a New Day - LetterPile


Smell the freshness of a new day

‘Round about the dawn

When the sun is rising

And the night is gone.


Hear the chirping of the birds

They’re out of their nests

Hunting the early worm

Which we know is best.


See the first rays of the sun

Spread across the sky

As though reaching out

To the Creator on high.


Feel the warmth it brings

Soothing to the skin

And sense the hope of a new day

When before, hope was dim.


We Thank Thee - Jim Reeves - YouTube


Taste the early morning brew

Of coffee or tea

And listen to the Jim Reeves’ tune

“Lord We Thank Thee”.


Note the senses in action

At the opening of a day,

An awareness of God’s majesty

Our mind alert to prayer.


A prayer of gratitude

From hearts full of praise,

And a hope it will be the best day

Of the rest of your days.


Smell and hear and see,

Feel and taste,

Thank God it’s a new day

And praise Him for His grace.


A new day unlike any other

It’s never been before,

Let’s give God the praise

And thank Him for one more.


We Thank Thee" by Jim Reeves with Lyrics - YouTube


A new day, yes, a new day

A privilege not a right,

Thank you, Heavenly Father,

For bringing us through the night.


Stewart Russell © March 2020


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