Wednesday, August 21, 2024

After Death


Human Bodies Move For Over A Year After Death, Find Australian Scientists


How does a person feel

After he is dead?

This is a question

That fills me with dread.


I still wonder

As a body is interred,

Is he or she still conscious

As some do infer?


What is the state

Of the spirit that departs?

Is it around God’s throne

As some think in heart?


Their thoughts perish

According to Job

But according to others,

Bedecked in robes.


Tell me for certain

Does anyone know?

Can you show me in the Bible

Or is it your say-so?


Victim Of Covid19 Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Dead, Death, Dead  Person - iStock


If at the point of death

We are still alive,

Why to prolong our life

Is there such a drive?


A believer does not die

According to Jesus

It’s only the body that dies

Hence, dust to dust.


He that believeth in me

Shall never die!

Such an assurance from Jesus

Cannot be denied.


But what meant Jesus

When he said these words?

It could not be the physical

To which he referred.


Did he mean at once

Or at some time to come?

Like for example when he returns

To set up his kingdom.


Life after death: Scientist explains what ACTUALLY happens when you die -  VIDEO | Science | News |


Some say immediately

But not convincingly so

For at the passing of a friend,

Their sorrow really shows.


Crying and wailing

And many days of grief,

If that saint is alive and well

Mourning should cease.


Rather it should be

Much rejoicing and praise

Since the body has been interred

But the spirit is raised.


The truth be told

The grim reaper has struck

And as some mostly see it,

Another’s out of luck.


How I wish I knew

What occurs after death

And what it really means

To lie at rest!


Rest in Peace: Rav, Lud: 9798707154331: Books


We say to the decease

May he rest in peace,

Is there another alternative

After this life’s lease?


Like a rest otherwise

Different from one of peace

In which turmoil and war

Never will cease?


None has ever returned

From the dead, I mean

To give us a detailed description

Of the post-death scene.


In all honesty

I really do not know

But I’d like to see it in the Bible

And not one’s say-so.


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Infallible Proofs | Answers in Genesis


Jesus did return

And is alive forever more

And some day in his own time

We will know for sure.


Stewart Russell © February 11, 2024


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