Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fastest Snail Ever


Jadatzi Giant African Land Snail, Achatina Fulica | Bug Pets LTD

I called my neighbour

About a snail on his wall,

By the time he came out outside

I couldn’t see it at all.


It had disappeared!

My neighbour was too slow

And that snail, I tell you,

Was on the go.


My neighbour

Is a sprightly nonagenarian

But that African snail, my friend,

Was a unique specimen.

Jadatzi Giant African Land Snail, Achatina Fulica | Bug Pets LTD 

Fastest snail ever

And I have seen a few,

In no time the fleet footed snail

Had gone out of view.


I started to write

After I called my neighbour,

My poem is now finished

But the snail was faster.

Jadatzi Giant African Land Snail, Achatina Fulica | Bug Pets LTD  

Just a true story

About a fast African snail

And if it did not impress you,

I guess I have failed.


Failed to impress you,

That is,

No doubt you are one

Of a fairly long list.


Stewart Russell © August 11, 2024


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