Wednesday, August 07, 2024



Grace is Forgiveness - Family Radio 316


I am a one-word wonder

It is simply FORGIVEN,

A status I do not merit

But suited for this poem.


You may say in your mind

That I am a nobody,

No problem I would respond

I most definitely agree.


If it were not for Jesus

Where would I be?

I was guilty as charge

But FORGIVEN says I am free.


Not perfect but FORGIVEN

Hence, I still slip,

Not perfect but FORGIVEN

Even when I lose my grip.


Grace is Forgiveness - Family Radio 316


FORGIVEN, not on my account

But on the account of Christ

When I accepted his word

And his atoning sacrifice.


I was indebted to sin

And growing deeper every day

But I was gripped by his words

When I heard him say…


“Father forgive them,”

For that is why he had come

And now that I am FORGIVEN

I am also a son.


A nobody but FORGIVEN

I am somebody in Christ,

Nobody may be your opinion

But the latter does suffice.


Grace is Forgiveness - Family Radio 316


I may appear sin-stained

But I am daily being cleansed

In the precious blood of Jesus

My Saviour and friend.


You see the outward

And you form a judgment

But you don’t see the moment

When I inwardly repent.


God sees my heart

And knows the condition therein

And He says to me

“You are forgiven of your sin.”


Heavenly Father, help me I pray

Not to use forgiven as a cloak

Or behave like the unsaved

As though FORGIVEN were a joke.


Grace is Forgiveness - Family Radio 316


Help me, Heavenly Father

To be an example of the believer

While bearing the title FORGIVEN

As a grateful receiver.


I am a one-word wonder

Just simply FORGIVEN,

A status I do not merit

But it’s suited for this poem.


Stewart Russell © August 2020



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